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रफ़ू किया हुआ Meaning in English

रफ़ू किया हुआ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : snowed

रफ़ू-किया-हुआ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Until 1992, the camp was a vacation perk for high-ranking federal government officials, including Alaska Senator Ted Stevens and Vice President Walter Mondale, who was snowed in on one visit and had to be cut out by Secret Service officers with chainsaws.

Soon, the snowstorm gets so large that it spreads to San Francisco and Allie's dad gets snowed in at the airport and may not make it home in time for Christmas.

Getting snowed-in during winter is not uncommon and in emergencies snowmobiles and occasionally helicopters are needed.

Because of the climate, the league played a short baseball season, and some of the games were played as it snowed.

It also snowed and rained for several days during this time.

Though the exact record of when did it snow in the past is not known but in the year 2006 it snowed in the town and the entire town was under the cover of snow.

It snowed when he reached home.

November 20, 1846: Patrick Breen begins keeping a diary: "Came to this place on the 31st of last month that it snowed.

It snowed during the space of eight days with little intermission, after our arrival here.

January 23, 1847: Patrick Breen's diary: "Blew hard " snowed all night.

February 6, 1847: Patrick Breen's diary: "It snowed faster last night " to day than it has done this winter " still Continues without an intermission.

Clouded up yesterday evening; snowed a little " continued cloudy all night.

" Announcements of planned wolf culls were numerous during those cold days of 1857…The snow fell over all of northern Spain from Galicia to Catalonia…On February 4 the province of Santander had spent three months without links with the interior, completely snowed in.

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