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यार Meaning in English

यार शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : man
, friend

यार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

They had a particularly close relationship with Leonard Bernstein, who became friends with the group first in 1973, when he composed a setting to an E.

Tensions arose during the conception of "'03 Bonnie " Clyde" over the sampling of "Me and My Girlfriend".

During this period, Napolitano adhered to the local University Fascist Youth ("Gioventù Universitaria Fascista"), where he met his core group of friends, who shared his opposition to Italian fascism.

Joanna Al-Askari Hussain marries a freedom-fighter, and makes his fight her own, persevering through genocide campaigns, deaths of friends, and missile attacks that cause the sky to rain down the bodies of dead birds.

Charlotte, now dating Jimmy, is openly insecure about his and Alice's apparent friendliness.

Tillie's depression is alleviated a bit by a friendship with Jimmy, who is gay, but willing to marry her if that would make Tillie happy.

The concept of the first all-boys Catholic high school in Queens was born on the campus of the University of Notre Dame in the early 1940s out of a friendship between Msgr.

Miller died on April 8, 2009, after suffering a heart attack while walking in Augusta, Georgia, with longtime friend and WSMV sports director Rudy Kalis.

That day he is found by Jake Carver's gang, and after unsuccessfully passing himself off as him he then passes himself off as a childhood friend of his and claims that he had planned for them to rob a bank in Pinedale (thus tricking them into taking him there).

song "I Got a Story to Tell" tells of the rapper sleeping with the girlfriend of a New York Knick in the player's home.

"The names of friends I have re-christened.

You are able to selectively narrow the focus of your attention to search for red objects, in the hope of identifying your friend.

Padukone has said that she was socially awkward as a child and did not have many friends.

यार हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" इस वजह से, खुले क्षेत्र का अंत हुआ और मवेशियों के बड़े हांक अभियान समाप्त हुए. मवेशियों के छोटे हांक अभियान कम से कम 1940 के दशक तक जारी रहे, क्योंकि आधुनिक मवेशी ट्रक बनने से पहले तक, स्टॉकयार्ड और पैकिंग प्लांट तक परिवहन के लिए फार्म मालिकों को स्थानीय रेलवे स्टेशन तक पशुओं को हांकना तब भी जरुरी था।

यह ज़िला तमिल समाज सुधारक पेरियार (इ वी रामास्वामी) तथा प्रसिद्ध गणितज्ञ रामानुजन का जन्म स्थान है।

|1977 || हत्यारा || विजय सिंह ||।

वे सहरे कितने नाज़ुक थे वे लड़ियाँ कितनी प्यारी थीं।

चूंकि फोटोग्राफिक प्लेट, एक्स-रे के प्रति संवेदनशील होते हैं, अतः वे चित्र को रिकॉर्ड करने का एक साधन प्रदान करते हैं, लेकिन उन्हें बहुत ज्यादा एक्स-रे अनावरण (रोगी के लिए) की भी जरूरत पड़ती है, इसलिए इंटेंसिफाइंग स्क्रीन को तैयार किया गया।

सोवियत यूक्रेन जल्द ही औद्योगिक उत्पादन में यूरोप को पीछे छोड़ दिया, और साथ ही सोवियत में हथियार उद्योग और उच्च तकनीक अनुसंधान का एक महत्वपूर्ण केंद्र बन गया।

परीक्षा की तैयारी के लिये लन्दन के किसी स्कूल में दाखिला न मिलने पर सुभाष ने किसी तरह किट्स विलियम हाल में मानसिक एवं नैतिक विज्ञान की ट्राइपास (ऑनर्स) की परीक्षा का अध्ययन करने हेतु उन्हें प्रवेश मिल गया।

इन शिष्यों में प्रमुख कुछ हैं: भीमसेन जोशी, प्यूमा एजी रुडोल्फ डास्लर स्पोर्ट (Puma AG Rudolf Dassler Sport) (आधिकारिक नाम प्यूमा [PUMA]), एक प्रमुख जर्मन बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनी है जो उच्च-स्तरीय एथलेटिक जूते, लाइफस्टाइल फुटवीयर और अन्य खेल संबंधी पोशाक तैयार करती है।

नृत्य की लगन के कारण उन्हें स्कूल छोडना पड़ा और ग्यारह वर्ष की आयु में उनका परिवार मुम्बई चला गया।

|1994 || यार गद्दार || ||।

गणेश शंकर विद्यार्थी राजकीय मेडीकल कालेज।

एक मान्य डिजिटल हस्ताक्षर, प्राप्तकर्ता को यह विश्वास दिलाता है कि संदेश किसी ज्ञात प्रेषक द्वारा तैयार किया गया था और उसे पारगमन में बदला नहीं गया था।

राष्ट्रीय विकास योजना तैयार करना और, राष्ट्रीय सभा से अग्रिम अनुमोदन के अधीन, उसी के कार्यान्वयन को निर्देशित करना।

यार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

James Bailey Silkman.

In August 2015, Olean Wholesale Grocery filed a lawsuit against Chicken of the Sea and Bumble Bee Foods accusing the companies of violating the Sherman Antitrust Act and artificially propping up the cost of canned tuna.

Retailers' cooperatives in the United States The Clibanarii or Klibanophoroi (κλιβανοφόροι, meaning "camp oven-bearers" from the Greek word κλίβανος meaning "camp oven" or "metallic furnace"), in Persian Grivpanvar, were a Sasanian Persian, late Roman and Byzantine military unit of armored [cavalry].

The clibanarii cavalry of Shapur II is described by Greek historian Ammianus Marcellinus, a Roman staff officer who served in the army of Constantius II in Gaul and Persia, fought against the Persians under Julian the Apostate, and took part in the retreat of his successor Jovian, as:.

Cataphracts and Siegecraft - Roman, Parthian and Sasanid military organisation.

Late Roman military units Arthur Edward Spence Hill (August 1, 1922 – October 22, 2006) was a Canadian actor best known for appearances in British and American theatre, films, and television.

Scott, The Chairman (1969), Sam Peckinpah's The Killer Elite (1975), Michael Crichton's Futureworld (1976), A Bridge Too Far (1977) (uncredited), and his narration on the film version of Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983).

He appeared on many other series, including The Reporter, a 1964 drama starring Harry Guardino.

The Chairman (1969) as Shelby.

A Little Romance (1979) as Richard King.

It is believed to have originated from Amaranthus hybridus, with which it shares many morphological features.

Most of the Ashtadiggajas are from southern part of present-day Andhra Pradesh state (Rayalaseema) and Ashtadiggajas, Allasani Peddana, Dhurjati, Nandi Thimmana, Madayyagari Mallana and Ayyalaraju Ramabhadrudu are from the Rayalaseema.

It refers to the old Hindu belief that eight elephants hold the earth in eight directions which are namely Airaavata, Pundareeka, Vamana, Kumuda, Anjana, Pushpadanta, Sarwabhouma, Suprateeka, whose wives are Abhra, Kapila, Pingala, Anupama, Taamraparni, Subhradanti, Angana, Anjanaavati.

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