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मोदी Meaning in English

मोदी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : modi
, grocer

मोदी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In 1982, Woolworths Limited acquired two Tasmanian grocery brands: Roelf Vos and Purity, which were converted into Woolworths stores in 2000.

The town center sits on a scenic bluff overlooking the mouth of Little River and hosts a grocery store, two gas pumps, a post office, and a restaurant within a single structure.

" He worked at his parents' grocery store and graduated from Wichita North High School in Wichita, Kansas in May 1942.

Gimnasianos also volunteer many hours of community service and every Friday donate groceries and non-perishable items to be distributed among low income families of nearby neighborhoods.

The village features two grocers shops, two bus stops, a beauty salon, primary school, doctors surgery, a fish and chip shop, a small church, a post office, library, park, garden centre and community centre.

The village has a greengrocer and general store, specialised pine furniture and gift shop, two pubs (The Three Crowns and The Windmill) and a restaurant (Hammer and Pincers).

In 1858, the post office opened; a blacksmith shop and grocery store also opened.

Bournemouth man Robert Edward Dyer used the pseudonym 'Sally' to demand money from the grocery store chain Tesco.

Each family's profile includes descriptions about their food purchases in USD and a portrait of the family surrounded by a week's worth of groceries.

The beginning of Soi 12 also has a Koreatown with several Korean restaurants and grocery stores.

A baker came twice weekly, there was an Arbroath fish cart and a fish wife with a creel of haddock, a grocery van from Abernyte and a butcher from Newtyle.

In 1878, the group began to celebrate worship services in a grocery store adjacent to Ashtabula Harbor.

In the case of Modhera, there is at least one other group - the Modh Modi- and some journalists have suggested that they are prosperous and mainly in textiles, grocery, finance and diamond trades.

मोदी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

सितम्बर २०१३ में नीलसन होल्डिंग और इकोनॉमिक टाइम्स ने जो परिणाम प्रकाशित किये थे उनमें शामिल शीर्षस्थ १०० भारतीय कार्पोरेट्स में से ७४ कारपोरेट्स ने नरेन्द्र मोदी तथा ७ ने राहुल गान्धी को बेहतर प्रधानमन्त्री बतलाया था।

"" फिर सोहराब मोदी ने मिनर्वा की वारिस में उन्हें सुरैया जैसी चोटी की नायिका के साथ नायक बनाया तो ए आर कारदार ने दिले नादान में नयी तारिका चांद उस्मानी के साथ।

श्री न्यायमूर्ति ए.एन. मोदी (सेवानिवृत्त)।

इरोस सिनेमा में एक प्रीमियर के दौरान, सोहराब मोदी ने मीना कुमारी और कमाल अमरोही को महाराष्ट्र के राज्यपाल से मिलवाया।

मोदी ने काँग्रेस प्रधानमन्त्री मनमोहन सिंह द्वारा की गयी टिप्पणी पर चुटकी लेते हुए कहा हमारे प्रधानमन्त्री जी ने कल ही कहा कि निराश होने की जरूरत नहीं, अच्छे दिन जल्द आने वाले हैं।

""पहले सहायक निर्देशक: रेबेका स्ट्रीकलैंड, संदीप मोदी, नेहा कौल।

नरेन्द्र मोदी के मुताबिक एक शादीशुदा के मुकाबले अविवाहित व्यक्ति भ्रष्टाचार के ख़िलाफ़ जोरदार तरीके से लड़ सकता है क्योंकि उसे अपनी पत्नी, परिवार व बालबच्चों की कोई चिन्ता नहीं रहती।

"" इरोस सिनेमा में एक प्रीमियर के दौरान, सोहराब मोदी ने मीना कुमारी और कमाल अमरोही को महाराष्ट्र के राज्यपाल से मिलवाया।

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने 2014 में अपने पहले स्वतंत्र दिवस के भाषण में यह कहा कि उनका इरादा योजना कमीशन को भंग करना है।

उनका अभी तक का सबसे प्रभावसाली रोल दिल मिल गये में डॉ॰अभिमन्यु मोदी का है।

""बतौर अभिनेता और गायक आपने आप को स्थापित करने के बाद हाल में पवन सिंह ने राजनीति में कदम रखा और बीजेपी ज्वाइन कर लिया, वो अपने आप को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी का बहुत बड़ा प्रशंसक बताते हैं।

सुशील कुमार मोदी (जन्म 5 जनवरी 1952) भारतीय जनता पार्टी के राजनीतिज्ञ और बिहार के तीसरे उपमुख्यमंत्री रह चुके हैं।

समूह ने फ्रांस के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति फ्रांस्वा होलान्द, भारत के राष्ट्रपति ए॰ पी॰ जे॰ अब्दुल कलाम, तथा प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के लिए कैरोसेल डु लौवर में प्रदर्शन किया है।

मोदी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Duke University Library (last modified, 2 June 2008).

The principal commodity transported across the rails to California was people: by reducing the cross-country travel time to as little as six days, men with westward ambitions were no longer forced to leave their families behind.

Several small carloads of California crops were shipped eastward via the new transcontinental route almost immediately after its completion, using a special type of ventilated boxcar modified specifically for this purpose.

The rule system was similar to the modified Basic Role-Playing rules used in Target Games' earlier Drakar och Demoner game, utilizing a percentile die.

Collins was convinced that the best way to win over new customers, including frugal small business owners and skeptical farmers and rural dwellers, was to give his mostly invisible new commodity a more human face.

This decision was modified in Worcester v.

It was rebuilt by Anthony Salvin, who generally followed Blore's designs but made modifications to the front, rebuilt the back of the house in Jacobean style, and altered the interior.

Rule 452, be modified so that uncontested director elections were not considered routine.

A primary example of this would be the game Counter-Strike"nbsp;– originally a modification of the popular game Half-Life that quickly became one of the most popular competitive first-person shooters to date.

The 20"nbsp;mm ShVAK was installed in the wings, in the nose, or in a synchronized mounting in the following fighters: Polikarpov I-153P and I-16, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3, Yakovlev Yak-1, Yak-3, Yak-7, and Yak-9, LaGG-3, Lavochkin La-5 and La-7, the Petlyakov Pe-3 night fighter and on Soviet-modified Hawker Hurricane aircraft.

The Mark VIII is an American modification of the British wire-wound Mark VIII howitzer to permit of a built up type of construction and is strictly of American manufacture.

pyclustering library includes a Python and C++ implementation of the Kuramoto model and its modifications.

Foodwatch believes that the company sells a commodity product as a niche product using branding.

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