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मिट्टी का बर्तन Meaning in English

मिट्टी का बर्तन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : pottery

मिट्टी-का-बर्तन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

लगभग किसी भी खोखले ढांचे का इस्तेमाल इस उद्देश्य के लिए किया जा सकता है, जैसे लॉग गम, स्केप, लकड़ी के बक्से या मिट्टी का बर्तन या ट्यूब।

वीर्य को उन्होंने एक द्रोणि (मिट्टी का बर्तन) में रख दिया जिससे द्रोणाचार्य पैदा हुए कहे जाते हैं।

""  दही हांडी शब्द का शाब्दिक अर्थ है 'दही का मिट्टी का बर्तन'।

खेलते हुए उसने पास पड़ा एक मिट्टी का बर्तन देखा और उससे खेलने लगी।

स्लो कुकर में एक चीनी मिट्टी का बर्तन (हालांकि अब कुछ धातु से बने भी आ रहे है) और एक बाहरी विद्युत बर्तन होता है।

  दही हांडी शब्द का शाब्दिक अर्थ है 'दही का मिट्टी का बर्तन'।

मिट्टी-का-बर्तन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

They treat this as a sports competition: Whichever group causes the biggest earthquake (as revealed by intercepted radio transmissions) wins the contest and gets the prize, a piece of Ancient Greek pottery that fell down a crevice in Ancient Roman times in the year zero (i.

He built schools, mills and pottery facilities.

Several artifacts were uncovered including pottery, coins and stone columns.

It contains a film production studio, wood shop, several art rooms, a pottery room, a computer lab, and a photography lab.

There is significant evidence that Romans came to Ullesthorpe in the 1st century AD because Roman coins, roof tiles and pottery have been recovered, as well as nearby Roman roads.

The festival includes juried original artists and artisans featuring painting, sculpture, wood, glass, jewelers, pottery, mosaics, candles, original clothing, etc.

The initial expectations were of establishing a relative chronology of Palestine pottery in the transition between the Bronze Age to the Iron Age, established through meticulous stratigraphy.

Unlike some other destroyed sites, Deir Alla's habitation continued after the disaster, without a break, into the Iron Age; the discontinuity was a cultural one, with highly developed pottery of a separate ceramic tradition post-dating the destruction.

They have been found at sites throughout the Aegean but are not common: around 200 have been unearthed to date, all but a handful in pottery.

The Coalbrookdale Company further developed the area, constructing brickworks and later a pottery in 1838.

Additional mills were built and shoes, carriages, locomotives, and stoneware pottery were also made in Ballard Vale.

This cultural assemblage evidences occasional examples of in the form of characters scratched onto pottery vessels.

The local pottery is hand-made and imported glazed 'perfume bottles' and balsamaria are wheel-turned.

मिट्टी का बर्तन Meaning in Other Sites