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मांड्या Meaning in English

मांड्या शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : thighs

मांड्या हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

* चामराजनगर जिला, चिकमंगलूर जिला, दक्षिण कन्नड़ जिला, हसन जिला, कोडगु जिला, मांड्या जिला, मैसूर जिला तथा उडुपी जिला।

इस अल्पाहार का नाम कर्नाटक राज्य के मांड्या जिला के मद्दूर कस्बे से आया है।

बंगलुरु शहरी, बेलगाम, बेल्लारी, बीदर, बीजापुर, चामराजनगर, चिकबल्लपुर, चिकमंगलूर, चित्रदुर्ग, दक्षिण कन्नड़, दावणगिरि, धारवाड़, गडग, गुलबर्ग, हसन, हवेरी, कोडगु, कोलार, कोप्पल, मांड्या, मैसूर, रायचूर, रामनगर, शिमोगा, तुमकुर, उडुपी, उत्तर कन्नड़ एवं यादगीर।

""14. मांड्याएम एच अम्बरीशकांग्रेस।

इसमें धारवाड़, बेलगाम, गडग, हवेरी, बीजापुर, बागलकोट, गुलबर्ग, रायचूर, कोप्पल, बेल्लारी, चित्र दुर्ग, देवनगिरी, तुमकुर, हस्सन और मांड्या जिले आते हैं।

कर्नाटक के मांड्या से वे कई बार सांसद चुने गए।

यह सबसे प्रसिद्ध किस्म है और इसके नाम की व्युत्पत्ति इस आधार पर हुई कि यह अधिकांशतः कर्नाटक के मैसूर शहर में उगाया जाता है और मांड्या जिले के श्रीरंगापटना तालुक के कुछ भागों में भी पाया जाता है।

येदियुरप्पा का जन्म 27 फ़रवरी 1943 को भारत के कर्नाटक राज्य के मांड्या ज़िले के बूकनाकेरे गाँव में हुआ था।

मांड्या इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Utility pockets on the suit's thighs were intended to hold survival gear, such as a folding knife, a pistol and other items.

The thighs are chestnut.

The inner thighs and the underside of the tail are white.

A pair of tassets to protect the upper thighs was often suspended from the bottom edge of the fauld by straps and buckles.

These subcutaneous nodules can appear anywhere on the body, but the most common sites are the shins, arms, thighs, and torso.

All have black wings, tails and thighs, but the colour of the remaining plumage depends on the exact species involved.

The Limousin is a large framed breed of beef cattle with a bright wheat-coloured coat, not too dark, a little lighter on the belly, the rear of the thighs, between the legs, on the anus, around the testicles or udder, and the tail tip.

This is generally accomplished by utilizing the practitioner’s own legs to hook the inside of the opponent's thighs, (commonly called hooks) while holding the opponent's neck or arms to maintain chest-to-back contact.

The stroke is usually described as being to the king's thighs: this has been taken as a euphemism for the genitals, which are explicitly stated to be the location of Anfortas's wound in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival.

They were made from the red plumage of gûará (Eudocimus ruber) and had a hood at the top, which could cover the entire head, shoulders and thighs up to the buttocks.

His forearms and thighs were large and strong, and attached to fine, light legs.

Perle and team pointed out in 1999 that the structure of the hindlimbs and pelvic region of Achillobator indicates that the animal had massive thighs and robustly built legs suited for moderate fast-running.

She complimented the scenes featuring her father, and the scenes where Madonna was not self-conscious, like when she interacts with her children, talks about her "fat Italian thighs" and also the performance in rain at Dublin.

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