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महायुद्ध Meaning in English

महायुद्ध शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : world war
, great war

महायुद्ध इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

According to Michael Psellos, Skleros was "a man who was not only a competent planner, but extremely clever in carrying out his schemes, possessed of vast wealth (no mean asset in one who aimed at a throne), with the prestige of royal blood and of success in great wars, with all the military caste at his side to help on his enterprise.

Thereafter, his descendant, Rawat Bhima, who was a great warrior, established the present city of Barmer in 1552 AD and shifted his capital to Barmer from Juna.

He was descended from the famous Confucian scholar Choe Chi-won, who lived in the North South States Period and was the ancestor of the Kyongju Choe clan, but because Choe Won-ho was given the surname, Ubong (우봉, "great warrior"), his family split from the Kyongju Choe clan and became the Ubong Choe clan.

It is up to the Interstellar Alliance, with the help of the Rangers, to rebuild what the great war had destroyed and to hold peace among the worlds of the ISA.

Kang was a great warrior on Azabeth’s world, after he saved her people when humans colonized and enslaved them in the 31st century.

He warns his men to be vigilant, for Minamoto no Yoshitsune, the great warrior of the Minamoto clan, is said to be traveling on the road, disguised as a yamabushi.

5 A great war was waged, and many injuries were inflicted, by Fineen Mac Carthy, son of Donnell Mac Carthy, and his brothers, on the English.

As the story progresses, more of the nameless Marine's time spent as a Night Sentinel is revealed, including about how he was made one of their great warrior kings and of the betrayal his new people suffered at their own hands due to lies, deceit and misguided faith.

Ironically some of the buildings of the old steel works still lie empty on the site and one of them even has the Steel Works War Memorial still on the wall with names of the fallen during the two great wars, who were employees of the steel works.

Though he was a great warrior who participated in and led many battles and raids during the 1860s and 1870s, he is mostly known as an advocate for peace and education in his tribe.

Behrim, veteran of the great war was assigned the task of slaying Danh Gem reborn, destroying the rakshas lords and thus restoring the honour of the ravians.

It is part of Zweig's [Der große Krieg der weißen Männer (The great war of white men).

Although a great warrior in his youth, and having taken part in the Grattan massacre, he declined to participate in Red Cloud's War.

महायुद्ध हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

प्रथम महायुद्ध के पूर्व समाजवादी दलों का मत था कि पूंजीवादी व्यवस्था ही युद्धों के लिए उत्तरदायी है और यदि विश्वयुद्ध आरंभ हुआ तो प्रत्येक समाजवादी दल का कर्तव्य होना चाहिए कि वह अपनी पूँजीवादी सरकार की युद्धनीति का विरोध करे और गृहयुद्ध द्वारा समाजवाद की स्थापना के लिए प्रयत्नशील हो।

प्रथम महायुद्ध आरंभ होने के समय वे जर्मनी में थे और लड़ाई छिड़ने के केवल एक दिन पहले किसी तरह सीमा पार कर सुरक्षित स्थान पर पहुंचने में सफल हुए।

१९१४ में जब प्रथम महायुद्ध छिड़ा तब प्रधान मंत्री ऐस्किवथ थे।

इसी बीच दूसरा महायुद्ध शुरू हो गया।

"" बोल्शेविक दल ने प्रथम महायुद्ध का विरोध किया और समाजवाद की स्थापना के लिए गृहयुद्ध का नारा दिया।

द्वितीय महायुद्ध के उपरात जहाँ जापान ने अन्य क्षेत्रों में पुनर्निर्माण किया , वहीं विश्वविद्यालय के शिक्षा क्षेत्र में भी वहाँ के टोकियो, हॉकाइतो, कियोटो, हिरोशाकी, तथा हिरोशिमा आदि विश्वविद्यालय ज्ञान एवं विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में उपयोगी कार्य कर रहे हैं।

द्वितीय महायुद्ध के बीच फासीवादी विचारों का ह्रास तथा समाजवादी विचारों और आंदोलनों की प्रगति हुई है।

इस प्रकार हम देखते हैं कि द्वितीय महायुद्ध और उसके उत्तरकालीन साहित्य में जीवन की विभीषिका, कुरूपता और असंगतियों के प्रति असन्तोष तथा क्षोभ ने कुछ आगे पीछे दो प्रकार की प्रवृत्तियों को जन्म दिया।

द्वितीय महायुद्ध के समय सन्‌ १९४२ में भारत-रक्षा-नियमावली में एक व्यवस्था की गई जिसके द्वारा सरकार को अधिकार दिया गया कि हड़ताल और तालाबंदी रोकने के लिए वह सामान्य अथवा विशेष नियम बनाए तथा ऐसे किसी भी विवाद को संराधन अथवा न्यायिक निर्णय के लिए सौंपे जिससे जनता को कष्ट पहुँचता हो अथवा युद्धसामग्री की पूर्ति के कार्य में बाधा पहुँचती हो।

मेरु गिरी पर्वत की एक निशसनी महाभारत ग्रंथ मे संजय द्वारा धृतराष्ट्र को महायुद्ध से एक दिन पहले बतलाई गई है,इसमें संजय कहता है,मेरु गिरी पर्वत से दूध से सफेद जल कि धारा बहती है जसे 'भागीरथी नदी' नाम से जाना जाता है।

आज पिछले दो महायुद्धों के कारण जनसाधारण में स्वार्थपरता की मात्रा अधिक बढ़ जाने से वातावरण में वैसा ही विक्षोभ फिर उत्पन्न हो गया है।

प्रथम महायुद्ध के बाद ।

महायुद्ध की समाप्ति के पश्चात् 'बोल्शेविज्म' पर एक ग्रंथ की रचना की।

महायुद्ध इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

During the second world war, the Organisation Todt used the Plassenburg as a training camp and recreation home.

Dora Noyce (1900–77), the proprietor for about thirty years after the second world war, was fined 47 times for living off immoral earnings.

Ethers William Evan Crawford Allan (24 July 1899 – 18 October 2005) was, at the age of 106, one of Australia's last living veterans of the First World War, and the last remaining Australian who saw active service in both world wars.

Between the world wars, Allan almost drowned after falling overboard in the North Atlantic — and would have done so had his captain not braved the precipitous storm, turned the ship around, and rescued him with the help of a life preserver and a rope ladder.

This event sparked a lengthy underworld war known popularly as the Melbourne gangland killings.

Hedley Bull – argued for both the existence of an international society of states and its perseverance even in times of great systemic upheaval, meaning regional or so-called "world wars".

Thomas' analysis was replete with graphics and statistics demonstrating the military-economic superiority of the Western Powers, at which Hitler balked and exclaimed that, "he did not share General Thomas' anxiety over the danger of a world war, especially since he had now got the Soviet Union on his side" (consequent the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact).

Thomas agreed to write a memorandum to his superior, OKW Chief Wilhelm Keitel, in which he stated that a war against Poland would set off a world war that Germany could not win owing to massive supply problems.

The French Limousin Herd Book was destroyed in the second world war.

On 3 November 2005, Faure and Evangelos Goussis were convicted for the murder of Lewis Caine, the first murder convictions related to the Melbourne underworld wars.

After an initial formative experience within Expressionism, he joined the group "Corrente" (1942–43), during the second world war, which included other artists such as Renato Guttuso and Renato Birolli.

The War Memorial commemorates military personnel and civilians who died in both world wars who came from the local community.

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