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महक Meaning in English

महक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : smelling
, fragrance

महक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Chambers was discovered by a modelling scout on the Metro and went on to star in ad campaigns for Calvin Klein's fragrance range.

Princess, a fragrance by Vera Wang.

New fragrance Phelps and Emerson were released for Christmas 2008.

President Bill Clinton was the speaker at inaugural program Fragrance Foundation Talks, where he spoke about the "work with Haitian artisans and the fragrance houses for purchasing vetiver from more than 30,000 earthquake-stricken farmers," among other global issues.

Perioral dermatitis will usually resolve within a few months without medication, by limiting the use of irritants, including products with fragrance, cosmetics, benzoyl peroxide, occlusive sunscreens, and various acne products.

She has led international campaigns as a model for Miss Sixty, Huawei smartphones, Captain Morgan rum, Gucci fragrances and Vine Vera skincare ranges, and Jaguar Cars.

Isosafrole is a precursor to the important fragrance piperonal.

" Cut flowers retain their original beauty and fragrance, but only so long as they retain the vitality that they have drawn from their now-severed roots; after that is exhausted, they wither and die.

Some aftershave manufacturers encourage using their fragranced aftershave as if it were cologne, in order to increase sales by encouraging consumers to use it in a more versatile manner, rather than just after a shaving session.

Johnson " Johnson removed many chemicals from their products including parabens, formaldehyde, and certain fragrance chemicals.

Phytol is used in the fragrance industry and used in cosmetics, shampoos, toilet soaps, household cleaners, and detergents.

Very vigorous grower (90 to 100"nbsp;cm; 36–40 in) with a lovely strong fragrance.

The Cerruti house designs, manufactures, distributes, and retails luxury ready-to-wear, jeans, fragrances, sportswear, leather goods, watches, and accessories.

महक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

एक आदिम रात्रि की महक इसका एक सुंदर उदाहरण है।

कुछ पौधों जैसे एंजेलिका आर्चएंजेलिका या अबेलमोस्चस मोस्चेट्स इत्री महक माइक्रोसाइक्लिक लैक्टोन यौगिकों पैदा करते हैं।

""कुछ पौधों जैसे एंजेलिका आर्चएंजेलिका या अबेलमोस्चस मोस्चेट्स इत्री महक माइक्रोसाइक्लिक लैक्टोन यौगिकों पैदा करते हैं।

इसमें चार दलों के बडे़ और सफेद फूल गरमियों में लगते हैं जिनमें बहुत अच्छी महक होती है।

उस समय उनकी सुगंध से ब्रज के सभी बन-उपबन और बाग-बगीचे महकने लगते हैं।

""दिल्लीवालों के लिए पास्ता और पिज्जा अब इटैलियन कहां रह गए हैं? ऑलिव ऑयल में बनाया जाने वाला यह खाना अपने स्वाद और महक के लिए बहुत पसंद किया जाता है।

उसी प्रकार आरोही अर्धचक्र में सूर्य जब महकेन्द्र के सबसे निकट स्थान की ओर बढ़ना शुरू करता है तब धर्म भी उन्नत होना शुरू हो जाता है ।

और आगे चलकर समग्र विश्व में भारत के अमूल्य आध्यात्मिक भण्डार की महक फैला सके।

श्रीकृष्ण की महक से सुवासित इस धार्मिक नगरी में अब भी एक अपना ही आकर्षण है।

१८६७ में यहां पहली आयुर्वेदिक डिस्पेंसरी खोली गयी और मुफ्त आदिवासी शिक्षार्थ १८७५ में स्टेट प्राइमरी स्कूल समेत कुछ पाठशालाएं. १८७५ ईस्वी में ही 'बंदोबस्त महकमे' का गठन हुआ।

महक महकमहकमहकमहकमहक महकमहकमहकमहक महकमहकमहक महकमहकमहकमहकमहकमहक महकमहकमहकमहकमहकमहक महकमहकमहकमहकमहक महकमहकमहकमहकमहक महकमहकमहक

उनका स्वास्थ्य खराब होने लगा और वे सोलह वर्ष तक दिल्ली की विभिन्न साहित्यिक गतिविधियों में सक्रिय भागीदारी करके सारे वातावराण को महकाकर, गठिया रोग से पीडि़त होकर पुन: बिजनौर लौट आए।

संकेत और लक्षण में आम तौर पर ज्वर, से अधिक ठंड लगना, पेट के निचले भाग में दर्द, और संभवतः खराब महक वाला योनि स्राव शामिल होता है।

महक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

altered sense of hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing, and tactile perception (sensory illusions or [or feeling as though the environment is not real ( Houghton Hall ( ) is a country house in the parish of Houghton in Norfolk, England.

Foul-smelling chemicals Tony Vega (born July 13, 1957) is a Puerto Rican salsa singer and bandleader.

The skin is covered by a layer of foul-smelling mucus several millimeters thick.

Chomper hides the children in foul-smelling plants (possibly garlic), and provides them with leafy food upon their request.

She returns them to the island, where Chomper's grateful family promises never to harm the children; Chomper's father grudgingly admits that, after sniffing Spike (who had eaten some of the foul-smelling hideout) anything that smelt that bad wouldn't taste very good anyway.

When attacked, it protects itself by displaying large, yellow, fake eyes on its hind wings to frighten the aggressor, and releases a foul-smelling substance.

The exhausted men reached San Diego on January 24, 1770 "smelling frightfully of mules", but warmly welcomed by their fellow soldiers and friars.

Foul-smelling chemicals Daniel Eugene Osman (February 11, 1963 – November 23, 1998) was an American extreme sport practitioner, known for the dangerous sport of free-soloing, rock climbing without ropes or other safety gear.

She is depicted as emerging from a plant (see the two leaves on the bottom), smelling the air.

1919: Sweet-smelling Bulbophyllum.

A baby European roller will vomit a foul-smelling orange liquid onto itself to turn away a predator.

Luigi dashes into the house, smelling cheese, and Mario follows when a metal door comes down, leaving Yoshi locked out.

It is uncertain whether intravenous metronidazole is useful in reducing foul smelling from malignant wounds.

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