मकानमालिक Meaning in English
मकानमालिक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : landlord
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
जागीरदार का घरभूमिति करनेवाला
बारूदी बम
भू दृश्य
परिदृश्य वास्तुकार
लैंडस्केप आर्किटेक्ट
लैंडस्केप बागवानी
मकानमालिक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
सतीश शाह - रोहित के मकानमालिक।
""|2000 || कहो ना प्यार है || रोहित के मकानमालिक ||।
उसके मकानमालिक मि. विलकिन्स मिकाबर को दिवालिया हो जाने के बाद एक देनदार जेल (राजा की खंडपीठ जेल) में भेजा जाता है, रिहा होने और प्लायमाउथ जाने से पहले वह कई महीनों तक वहां रहता है।
मकानमालिक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The tavern's landlord is named as William Johnson in a will dated, 1603.
Shakespeare certainly had connections with some of the tavern's literary clientele, as well as with the tavern's landlord, William Johnson.
The family moved to Bisacquino when his father became a campiere (an armed guard) with the local landlord, Baron Antonino Inglese, a notorious usurper of state-owned land.
Cascio Ferro's godson asked the local landlord to intervene, but he refused: "Times have changed", was the reply.
Just as landlords seek rents on their property, capital providers seek returns on their funds, which must be commensurate with the risk undertaken.
In the late 1990s, the estate began to be regenerated into a low-rise housing estate by the Waltham Forest Housing Action Trust and its successor landlord, Community-based Housing Association.
When used within a tenanted area, carrying electricity supplied and billed to the landlord, for example for a communal extract system or antenna booster, it provides a supply cable that cannot easily be 'tapped' into to obtain free energy.
He is the landlord for less than a year; he gets in trouble with the brewery and the tenancy is purchased back by Newton " Ridley.
However, they broke out of control, attacking Roman landlords and colonists and redistributing goods.
Simultaneously, the former club trustees found themselves being sued by their landlords for £72,000 of unpaid rent dating back to 2005.
Many Christians worked under Sikh landlords and when they departed the western parts of the Punjab region, the Government of Pakistan appropriated Sikh property to Muslims arriving from Bihar and the United Provinces.
Both sections of the neighborhood suffered as a result of the Interstate's construction: some residents moved, their homes were rented by absentee landlords to low-income tenants, and the area saw a general lack of investment.