भूमि कार्यकाल Meaning in English
भूमि कार्यकाल शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : land tenure
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भूम बिछल
भूमि-कार्यकाल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In 2007 and 2010, Conteh authored two decisions affirming the common law doctrine of aboriginal title and the existence of Maya customary land tenure in the Toledo District of Belize.
Nine years later the political rule of his family ended when Martha's Vineyard was annexed by Massachusetts after the Glorious Revolution in England, but the manorial land tenure remained.
As a judge he pioneered the integration of customary law into the general law of Uganda and wrote a number of authoritative opinions on land tenure.
Migdal explains that governments can strengthen weak states by building capacity through changing land tenure patterns, adjusting methods of taxation, and improving modes of transportation.
Commissions established land tenure rules and adjusted claims in dispute because of grants made by successive governments.
The power sector was not adequately funded, infrastructural deficit was not closed down and the troublesome process of reforming land use regulations hampered a reform of the land tenure law.
The Robertson Land Acts and the Closer Settlement Acts altered the mechanism for granting land tenure and precipitated the break-up of large properties in New South Wales.
The emergence of private property in land created a new set of socio-economic relationships at the village level, especially the comunidades and the ghar-bhaatt, the two principal forms of land tenure that came to characterise Portuguese Goa.
Kutaisi people a subgroup of the Dayaks of Borneo The Crown Lands Acts 1861 (NSW) (or Robertson Land Acts) were introduced by the New South Wales Premier, John Robertson, in 1861 to reform land holdings in New South Wales and in particular to break the Squattocracy's domination of land tenure.
Since the 17th century, the Leva Kanbis controlled the majority of the land in the Kheda district through a coparcenary system of land tenure called narwadari in which Levas would share the payments of revenue owed to the government.
The British colonisation of the country took place over a period of many years and had to adapt to the various local land tenure arrangements that had arisen as Mughal power waned.
Suicides by firearm in Victoria (Australia) The Closer Settlement Acts (NSW) were introduced by the New South Wales parliament between 1901 and 1909 to reform land holdings and in particular to break the squatters' domination of land tenure.
Its land tenure was linked with that of Overthorpe, which at that time was part of Middleton Cheney parish.