भयातुर Meaning in English
भयातुर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : frightening
, frightened
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भयातुर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The plan backfires - the power of the weed is so great, it immediately transforms the virginal Mary into a whip-cracking sadomasochist who enslaves the frightened Ralph.
Faith kills it with a knife, and is frightened by the sight of the demon's blood on her hands.
The expression originated from popular media commentary on young children being frightened by episodes of the BBC science-fiction television series Doctor Who, particularly during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
Mike is frightened away because not only does Jebediah appear to be the Tall Man but the Fortune Teller is mysteriously present.
They robbed banks, took over whole towns, and kept the people in Victoria and New South Wales frightened.
On one of the monitors they see a frightened Carol Anne running through the high rise's parking lot and go to rescue her.
Shibi Khan was so frightened that he retreated after two days.
On the misty night of the 23rd the Italians rowed the British forces across with a calm assurance and skill which amazed many of those who were more frightened of drowning than of fighting the Austrians.
One night, King Fernando dreams of Don Juan being murdered by two traitors (which would turn out to be his two older sons), and becomes so frightened and depressed that he would not even eat nor rest.
He frightened me and he expected too much from me and he directed every move of my life and a good deal of the time he didn’t satisfy me.
Severus ordered him away, reportedly being "frightened" by his dark skin colour and seeing his act and appearance as an omen.
Kanna then moves her bloody head, and looks on as the frightened Hisayo cowers in the corner and waits.
One version of the Icelandic Book of Settlement says that the ancient law of Iceland forbade having a dragon-prow in place on one's ship in harbor or coming in to land "with gaping mouth or yawning snout" because the landvættir would be frightened away.
भयातुर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अनेक प्राकृतिक घटनाओं की भूत-प्रेतों की लड़ाइयां मानकर हम सदा भयातुर रहने का अभ्यास डाल लेते हैं।
मै तो जन्म, मृत्यु और व्याधि से होने वाले भय को देखकर अत्यन्त भयातुर एवं विकल हूँ।
""वह अपनी योजना पहले ही निश्चित कर लेता है किंतु भावी से भयातुर नहीं होता।
जब तक आपको दूसरे कुत्तों के पागल होने का निश्चय न हो तब तक आपको भयातुर नहीं होना चाहिए।
भयातुर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He enjoys frightening others, like Bingo.
Dors said of him at this time: "alcohol had unleashed a monster, uncontrollable and frightening".
So he came up with a script in which the Phantom is a romantic hero, frightening only to those who would misuse the opera house wherein he dwells – and to those who would stand in the way of Christine's eventual rise to stardom.
Entertainment Weekly critic Ken Tucker gave the film a score of A- and said Kopit and director Tony Richardson "make the romance between the Phantom and Christine both touching and frightening, and the casting of Burt Lancaster as Carriere, the manager of the opera company, gives the story weight and great charm.
In a 2017 edition of the Quarterly Essay, Peulich was cited as stating that the programme was "frightening", and that it cultivated in children "an isolation from their own families and their own values".
Accept this uncouth, impure, forward, worldly woman, and the wall of virtue and morality would be breached and society would have no further defenses against the forces of frightening change.
Robert Steinman for RPGFan regarded her as an especially frightening villain, discussing how the twist regarding her true story as one of the strangest in the series.
Unfortunately for the Doctor, Nine isn't very menacing, although many might consider his smell to be quite frightening.
The UK rental tape of Blown Away notably featured a Tango Orange advertisement in the trailers at the start which was banned from television for being frightening.
Tsui said that upon receiving the script, she had intended to reject the role because of the frightening content.
The specific name horridus means 'frightening' or 'rough' in Latin.
Nancy presents the picture Osh had produced: unfortunately, it is a frighteningly ugly woman and Tom feels insulted and angry at Osh.