बेपरवाही Meaning in English
बेपरवाही शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : carelessness
, heedlessness
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हेगड़े बाइनवीड
हेगड़े गौरैया
बेपरवाही इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Australian region cyclone disambiguation pages Ghaflah (غفلة) is the Arabic word for negligence and heedlessness.
] It may not be to every taste but, lurching according to its own sublimely clueless logic, it has a purity and heedlessness which can never be repeated.
It is also the sin of purposeful misguiding, misleading or the deceiving of another, usually through falsity or by failure of full disclosure, through concealment, which keeps another in ignorance and heedlessness.
बेपरवाही हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""असावधानी- बेपरवाही, लापरवाही, गफलत, अनवधान, प्रमाद, बेहोशी।
3री सदी में उनकी कब्र की बेपरवाही होने लगी।
जापान में एक मैच के दौरान जब बेनोइट ने एन्ज़ुईगिरी किक का इस्तेमाल करके पहलवान एडी ग्युरेरो को बेपरवाही से मारा, उसके बाद से उनकी उसके साथ अच्छी मित्रता हो गई।
""जापान में एक मैच के दौरान जब बेनोइट ने एन्ज़ुईगिरी किक का इस्तेमाल करके पहलवान एडी ग्युरेरो को बेपरवाही से मारा, उसके बाद से उनकी उसके साथ अच्छी मित्रता हो गई।
असावधानी- बेपरवाही, लापरवाही, गफलत, अनवधान, प्रमाद, बेहोशी।
एक नमूना फ़िरऔन और समूद जाति के सरदारों और लूत (अलै.) की क़ौम के सरकशों का है , जिनका चरित्र परलोक - चिन्तन से बेपरवाही और परिणामतः मन की दासता से निर्मित हुआ था।
बेपरवाही इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
# Even if they will sometimes guard the mind against an oversight, syllogisms often also mislead and are hardly the most effective check against carelessness.
At the end, Rusanov's wife drops rubbish from her car window, symbolising the carelessness with which the regime treated the country.
All but one die in various shocking accidents, largely due to the children's carelessness, suggesting that the children would still be alive if they had known what dangers lay ahead.
Having had no idea that Motome had sold even his sword blades to save Miho, a devastated Hanshirō implored his son-in-law's forgiveness for his own carelessness.
Through either malice or carelessness of the executioner he was put to needless suffering.
States former president Mark Mawerds, "The carelessness that took place has resulted in a space that is not functional.
Anne finds the manuscript and schemes against Boyd in order to teach him a lesson for his carelessness.
Regardless of the breed of the dog, it is recognized that the risk of dangerous dog attacks can be greatly increased by human actions (such as neglect or fight training) or inaction (as carelessness in confinement and control).
For carelessness, once the prosecution proved the acteus reus, the defendant must prove that they exercised all the care a reasonable person would to prevent the actus reus from occurring.
The mountains and stars, frequently described, endure beyond human carelessness, ignorance, and cruelty.
It also found that Land had used "carelessness and poor judgment" in lifting material from other sources without attribution, calling it a case of clear plagiarism.
Unfortunately, many of these chapters were severely weakened by a few high profile, yet isolated, instances of carelessness and ungentlemanlike conduct at national events.
In the attic, Dennis' carelessness causes George to slip on mothballs and nearly crushes him with a canoe.