बिजली चमकना Meaning in English
बिजली चमकना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lightning
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बिजली-चमकना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Reddy Kilowatt is drawn as a stick figure whose body, limbs, and hair are made of stylized lightning-bolts and whose bulbous head has a light bulb for a nose and wall outlets for ears.
According to corporate lore, Collins found his inspiration in a dramatic Alabama lightning storm.
He turned to a colleague, APC engineer Dan Clinton, to create the first drawings of Reddy Kilowatt, an “electrical servant” with lightning bolt arms and legs, wearing safety gloves and shoes.
The analog signal was taken off the air, following a lightning strike at the transmitter.
The two high towers of the Cathedral were burnt down because of stroke of lightning at the end of the 17th century.
But straight I saw motions of lightning grace,.
The spire of this Church was struck by lightning and completely destroyed on 23 July 1876.
In the early 1960s Banks was regarded in the sport as rising prospect known for a lightning fast left hook, but his career was cut short when he died from injuries sustained in the ring in 1965.
They also had a daughter who was killed in infancy by lightning.
KWP has created a uniform dialect of the language, making new words such as mukarntu (mukamuka brain + karntu lightning), meaning "computer", and other words for things such as modern appliances, transportation, cuisine, and other common features of life that have changed for the Kaurna people while the language was dormant.
After the English Restoration, Shakespeare's plays were performed in playhouses with elaborate scenery and staged with music, dancing, thunder, lightning, wave machines, and fireworks.
The book discusses electricity, lightning, and the struggle the early church experienced in accepting the zealous Saul as the converted apostle Paul of Acts 9.
Merry had previously performed his lightning fast drawing as part of a music hall stage act.