बाग़बान Meaning in English
बाग़बान शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : garden
, gardener
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बाग़वानी संबंधीबागवादी
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गड़गड़ाकर कुल्ला करना
बाग़बान इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The upper floor, which is at ground level when approached from the raised northern lawn, contained two small cottage-like apartments, or "bothies", for the gardeners.
Because of the level of labor involved, hand-pollination is only an option on a small scale, used chiefly by small market gardeners and owners of individual plants.
This usually required twenty-seven house servants, eight coachmen and grooms and twelve gardeners.
He dismissed most of the 20 gardeners, removed most of the cup-gardens, planted new trees and added rocks and fountains to enforce a romantic impression.
By 1928 the gardeners were gone and by 1930, of land had been bought by the council to be developed as part of the Lake Monger Reserve.
She was also a passionate gardener and inspired her son Henry McLaren, 2nd Baron Aberconway, to whom she entrusted the care of the garden in 1901.
It was a membership organisation, with members drawn from professional and amateur gardeners and horticultural businesses.
Receiving directions from some gentlemen in a local pub, he reaches the castle and parks the astroship in the greenhouse where the gardeners camouflage it under tarpaulin and palm trees.
After the Reformation, the rental of the priory in 1561 gives details of the inhabitants – five monks, a chamberlain with two servants, a master-cook, master-baker, porter and a gardener.
Horsfall and laid out by head gardener S.
He preferred the term 'landscape gardener' to that of 'landscape architect'.
Regular departments include "Garden railway basics," aimed at beginners; "Plant portraits," a featured miniature plant targeted toward railroad gardeners; "Greening your railway," a gardening/hardscaping column; "One-page project", where readers share a short how-to project.
Its life span (around 3 or 4 years) is significantly less than that of its descendants, so reproducing this plant is important for gardeners.
बाग़बान हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
उद्यान विज्ञान और बाग़बानी जूरा कैन्टन (फ़्रान्सीसी: Jura) स्विट्ज़रलैंड के पश्चिमोत्तर में स्थित एक कैन्टन (प्रान्त से मिलता-जुलता प्रशासनिक विभाग) है।
"" उसके बाद वो बाग़बान में छोटे से रोल में दिखीं।
""उद्यान विज्ञान और बाग़बानी।
वर्ष 2003 में अमिताभ बच्चन और सलमान खान द्वारा अभिनीत इनकी फिल्म 'बाग़बान' भी काफी सफल रही।
उद्यान विज्ञान और बाग़बानी अकार्बनिक रसायन में फ़ास्फ़ोरिक अम्ल तथा क्षारों की क्रिया से जो लवण बनते हैं, वे फ़ॉस्फ़ेट (Phosphate) कहलाते हैं।
उद्यान विज्ञान और बाग़बानी खाद्य उत्पादन की दृष्टि से लगायी गये पेड़ों एवं झाड़ियों के समूह को फलोद्यान (फल + उद्यान ; orchard) कहते हैं।
यहाँ के निवासियों के मुख्य व्यवसाय बाग़बानी, धातु एवं मिट्टी के बरतनों का निर्माण, कपड़े बनाना, रेशम, गेहूँ व चावल की कृषि और घोड़ा व खच्चर का पालन है।
उद्यान विज्ञान और बाग़बानी प्रकरण से प्रतिपादित अर्थ के साधन में जो युक्ति प्रस्तुत की जाती है उसे उपपत्ति कहते हैं-।
इसके अतिरिक्त बाग़वानी जिसमें माली, कुँजड़े और बाग़बान (सानी) आदि उपजातियों के लोग कार्यरत हैं तथा मत्स्योद्योग अर्थात् मछली पकड़ने का कार्य-व्यवसाय करनेवाले हैं जिसमें धींवर तुरकिये आदि उपजातियों के लोग हैं।
उद्यान विज्ञान और बाग़बानी।
वर्तमान समय में देश में बाग़बानी फ़सलों, फलों, सब्जियों तथा फूलों की खेती को भी बढ़ावा दिया जा रहा है।
विज्ञान और बाग़बानी]।
मृत लोग बाग़बान 2003 में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फिल्म है।
बाग़बान इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Accordingly, patients were encouraged to participate in outdoor tasks, such as gardening, and handicrafts, such as needlework and carpentry.
Johnstone's personal interests include card-playing, gardening, listening to opera, and travel.
On the east side of this street, there are the Hasht Behesht and Chehel Sotoun gardens.
Persian gardens in Iran.
Historic public gardens.
The shootout was believed to be motivated by the fact that one of the victims changed his Myspace page bio to read "garden gang".
In 1881 Mark wrote a paper on the embryogenesis of the garden slug, in which he included an author–date citation in parentheses on page 194, the first known instance of such a reference.
Ann Street, designed by Raeburn and named after his wife, is a rare early example of a New Town street with private front gardens.
Many of the battle-dead were buried in the nuns' graveyard (now the walled garden).
In 1542 the Tate family purchased the Abbey grounds from the Crown; they started work on the gardens.
Zouch Tate is recorded as having laid out a typical Elizabethan-style garden.
This is thought to have been where the enclosed formal garden can now be found.
The Bouverie family changed the garden to one featuring fruit and vegetables, with orchards planted elsewhere.
This was similar to the earlier fruit garden of the original abbey.