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बहां Meaning in English

बहां शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : thereto

बहां हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" बहां पर माँ अर्णपुर्न्ना (काशी नगरी की इष्ट देवी) ने उनके भीतर अपूर्णता-बोध का जागरण कर दिया और कहा, तुमने ब्रहमज्ञान प्राप्त किया हे सही, परन्तु अबर ब्रहमज्ञान, या प्रेम-भक्ति के पथ में जो भगबत ज्ञान है, तुम्हें प्राप्ति नहीं हुई।

बहांग रुको योग्य बेटे माबोहांग रुको उसे 865 ई. में सफल रहा और 880 ई. तक शासन किया।

बहां उन्होंने सब से पहले अपने गुरु सच्चिदानंद देव को प्रणाम करने के बाद जगदगुरु शंकराचार्य को प्रणाम किया।

बहांग लटका सुधारों अपने पिता शुरू किया था के साथ पर रखा. उबहांग रुको अपने बेटे मुदाहांग रुको द्वारा सफल हो गया था।

वह किसी भी पुरुष वारिस के बाहर के साथ मर गया और राजा उबहांग रुको लिम्बुवान के सर्वोच्च शासक के रूप में 849 ई. ई. - 865 में ले लिया।

बहां इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

It was one of the deceptions frequently practiced in war, and whatever deception attached thereto, I take.

In that election, Gay's campaign raised a question as to why Timberlake had waited until 1940 to become an American citizen, to which Timberlake replied that he did not "deem it necessary to dignify these scurrilous attacks by replying thereto.

By Acts of Congress, passed between 1868 and 1873, the killing of seals was prohibited on the Pribilof Islands and in "the waters adjacent thereto" except upon certain specified conditions.

On March 12, 1881, the acting United States Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to a letter asking for an interpretation of the words "waters adjacent thereto" in the acts of 1868 and 1873, stated that all the waters east of the boundary line were considered to be within the waters of Alaska territory.

Any casualty incurred as the direct result of hostile action, sustained in combat or relating thereto, or sustained going to or returning from a combat mission.

It was formally suppressed in 1093, its territory being reassigned to establish of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Oristano, where its seat had been established in 1070 following the depopulation of the city thereto.

Matrimonial obligations and the rights of succession in cases of intestacy had fallen into hopeless confusion, and the adjudication of disputes in relation thereto was effected by certain elders of the community, who had neither the knowledge and help of fixed principles to guide their judgments, nor any authority to enforce their decisions.

together with such Islands in the Ottawa River as are wholly or in greater part opposite thereto.

In 1867 the Denver Horse Railroad Company was incorporated and given "a period of thirty five years the sole and exclusive right and privilege of constructing a horse railroad in the city of Denver and the additions thereto.

In the run up to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, the main rationale for the Iraq War was Hussein's Iraq failure to transparently and verifiably cease Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD - nuclear, biological and chemical weapons) programs, and to destroy all materials relating thereto, as mandated in United Nations Resolution 1441.

House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct informed Guinta that the committee reviewed his candidate financial disclosure reports "and subsequent amendments thereto, and have determined that they are in substantial compliance" with federal ethics law.

We claim that we are the rightful owners of our tribal territory, and everything pertaining thereto.

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