बदनाम करना Meaning in English
बदनाम करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to defame
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
पराजित करनापरास्त करना
बचाव के लिए
अपवित्र करना
नापाक करना
परिभाषित करना
अवज्ञा करना
देर करना
देर लगाना
विलंब करना
तक़ाज़ा करना
निरावरण करना
इनकार करना
बदनाम-करना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" ये विचारक मशीनों की तोड़फोड़, बाइकाट, पूँजीपति की पैदावार को बदनाम करना, काम टालना आदि के पक्ष में भी हैं।
हंसा के नाम से अनजान: जमुना की बहन; मयूरी की सास; अधिक चतुर और चुटीला, वह देसाई के सामने गहना को बदनाम करना चाहती है।
ये विचारक मशीनों की तोड़फोड़, बाइकाट, पूँजीपति की पैदावार को बदनाम करना, काम टालना आदि के पक्ष में भी हैं।
प्रचलित कथाओ में और कार्यक्रम ' राजगुरु और तेनालीराम ' उनके जीवन की एक ही महत्वाकांक्षा नज़र आती है तेनालीराम को बदनाम करना और महाराजा कृष्णादेवराय का पसंदीदा बनना।
एक संप्रदाय को बदनाम करना गंभीर मामला है और इसे राट्र-विरोधी गतिविधि बताना निंदा होगा और यह पत्रकारिता असंगति के समान है।
बदनाम-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
After the 9/11 attacks on the US, things grew worse with "many Pakistani Muslims" seeing the American response to the attacks "as a foreign plot to defame their faith.
Jealous of Emperor Wen's bestowing of great powers to Yin Jingren, Liu Zhan (劉湛) became to try to defame Yin Jingren, and he ingratiated himself with Liu Yikang to try to use the prime minister's powers to expel Yin from government.
Lawn jockeys are featured in season 2, episode 1 of the IFC documentary parody show “Documentary Now!” Bill Hader ‘s character, in a parody of “The War Room,” called, “The Bunker,” places lawn jockeys in the yards of citizens who possess campaign signs for the “enemy” in an attempt to defame their campaign.
Frank Barlow, a medieval historian and Becket's biographer, points out in his biography of Becket that while Roger was accused of these crimes, and may even have been guilty of some sort of criminal homosexuality, John of Salisbury's motives for bringing up this story in 1172 were almost certainly to defame Roger.
Kamal said he suspected a former Chalachitra Academy employee to be behind the recent expose and termed the allegations baseless and intended to defame him.
The author of the "Pigott forgeries" had in 1889 tried to defame Charles Stewart Parnell, and after his plot was discovered, fled to Madrid and there killed himself.
The intent of gotcha journalism is always premeditated and used to defame or discredit the interviewees by portraying them as self-contradictory, malevolent, unqualified or immoral.
Whatever weight is given to this tradition, however, there is no evidence that it was used to defame Mary, who was considered a saint to whose honor churches were built.
The embassy called its construction an "attempt to defame China.
In her own words, she says, “If anyone objected I assured them that it wasn't my intent to defame them or warp the truth, but to give my rendition of it.