बंदूक धारी सिपाही Meaning in English
बंदूक धारी सिपाही शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : gun man
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फ़ौज़ी सिपाही की बंदूक
बंदूक या तोप गोली
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बंदूक की परास
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बंदूक शर्मीली
बंदूक कौशल
बंदूक थूथन
बंदूक अवस्थान
बन्दूक की नली
बंदूक युद्ध
बंदूक-धारी-सिपाही इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo was quoted as saying that gun manufacturers that did not comply would suffer "death by a thousand cuts", and Eliott Spitzer said that those who didn't cooperate would have bankruptcy lawyers "knocking at your door".
In January 2005, New York City passed a law allowing lawsuits against gun manufacturers and dealers that did not voluntarily implement certain gun control measures.
Judge Barbara Bellis ruled that the suit "falls squarely within the broad immunity" provided to gun manufacturers and dealers by the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.
Another suit against Beretta and other gun manufacturers, brought by New York City, argued that the activities regulated by the law were beyond Congress's authority to regulate interstate commerce and violated the Tenth Amendment by usurping power properly reserved to the states.
According to the Center for American Progress (an organization well known for supporting liberal viewpoints), the PLCAA prevents "victims of gun violence from pursuing well-established legal claims against irresponsible gun manufacturers and sellers—without presenting an alternative means for the victims to be compensated.
France pioneered the use of very large castings to form gun mantlets, turrets and eventually, with the SOMUA S35], entire tank hulls.
The American inventor, mechanical engineer and physicist received 21 American and 19 English patents (for innovations in steam engines, the printing industry and gun manufacturing among others) and is considered today the father of the refrigerator.
In a back-and-forth affair, Shogun managed to drop Vera several times and won by TKO due to punches in the fourth round.
They were not expecting submarine attack, but they had lookouts posted and had one gun manned on each side to attack any submarines sighted.
Sport in Austria-Hungary The Mk44 Bushmaster II is a 30 mm chain gun manufactured by Northrop Grumman.
Érainn A gun mantlet is an armour plate or shield attached to an armoured fighting vehicle's gun, protecting the opening through which the weapon's barrel projects from the hull or turret armour and, in many cases, ensuring the vulnerable warhead of a loaded shell does not protrude past the vehicle's armour.
On many tanks during World War II, the gun mantlet covered both the main gun and any coaxial armament, and had the thickest armour on the vehicle.