फ्लॉन्डेड Meaning in English
फ्लॉन्डेड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : blonded
, flaunted
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दोषपूर्णता से
पिस्सू का काटना
फ्लॉन्डेड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Of course, he had been a conferred honorary doctorate by several universities but he never flaunted the degree with his name.
The MacGregors flaunted their weapons and returned to their old cattle-stealing ways, only being tamed over the course of time by the Commissioners of the Annexed Estates from 1755.
Large civil offices and religious temples were erected during this time that flaunted the economic wealth of the city like: Michoacán Center for the Arts, College of Michoacán, and Obrero de Zamora Theatre.
Significantly enough, the building also recalled the Romantic-Classic projects of the first revolutionary architects of the later eighteenth century, particularly in the harshness of its forms but even in the rather underscaled world globes which were flaunted upon its exterior.