फोर्टीज Meaning in English
फोर्टीज शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : fortis
, forties
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फोर्टीज इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He served in the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry in the Second World War, and was a salesman before deciding to become a professional actor in his late forties.
Although only in his forties when cast, Chater played a curmudgeonly senior citizen who enjoyed irritating his son-in-law and fishing with his mates in prohibited areas of Sydney Harbour.
Boltinoff started doing magazine cartoons in the early forties.
Courtright paid for a significant renovation in the late forties, during which the hotel was first painted its famous pink color in 1948, to match that period's country club style.
Whitlock, who ran as a teenager and took up the sport again in his forties, first became the oldest person to run a marathon in less than three hours in 2000, at the age of 69, with a time of 2:52:47.
The Beverly Hills Hotel underwent significant renovation in the late forties when the porte cochere was expanded and painted in stripes.
In the early forties he co-wrote the newspaper strip Hap Hopper with Drew Pearson.
She made a significant mark in her forties; being one of the 3 key hosts in SEA Games in Singapore's home ground.
Pick's paternal grandfather, Charles Pick, was a farmer in Spalding who died in his forties, leaving eight children.
Under the Sun (1950) and That You Are Naked (1959) are autobiographical pieces based on his life in the thirties and forties.
In the forties and fifties, there were bands such as the Casimir Brothers of Roseau.
फोर्टीज हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
17. आईडीबीआई फोर्टीज़ लाईफ इंश्योरेंस।
""सन 1616 में, हेंडेरिक ब्रॉवर द्वारा केप ऑफ गुड होप से रोअरिंग फोर्टीज़ होकर बाटाविया तक जाने वाले हाल ही में खोजे गए मार्ग पर बढ़ने का प्रयास करते हुए डच समुद्री-कप्तान डर्क हार्टोग बहुत दूर निकल गए।
फोर्टीज इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
This was translated in the Latin Vulgata as "vir sapiens et fortis est et vir doctus robustus et validus" and in the King James Version, the first English official edition, as "A wise man is strong, a man of knowledge increaseth strength".
* Homoncocnemis fortis – recorded on Fraxinus latifolia.
Cadart founded the Société des Aquafortistes in 1862, reviving the awareness of the beautiful, original etching in the minds of the collecting public.
It was also the scene of a battle during the Breton War of Succession, where the Montfortists and their English allies defeated an army led by Charles of Blois.
The slap which Mrs Noye administers when finally persuaded is accompanied by an E major fortissimo.
As Noye leaves, the full orchestra provides a final fortissimo salute, the opera then concluding peacefully with B flat chimes of handbells alternating with extended G major string chords – "a hauntingly beautiful close", says Roseberry.
The battle was fought in June 1346 and marked a minor turning point in the fortunes of the Montfortists and their English allies in Brittany following several setbacks including the imprisonment and subsequent death of their leader, John of Montfort.
Modern chastity belts for women generally follow the traditional "Florentine" pattern (named after the Bellifortis reference), with a band around the waist or hips and a "shield" that runs between the legs to cover the genitals.
Stokowski follows Mussorgsky's original score here by having the movement start fortissimo, instead of Ravel's pianissimo.
Usually the loudest indication in a piece, though louder dynamics are often specified with additional s (such as fortississimo – seen below).
For example, "pianississimo" (represented as ) means "so softly as to be almost inaudible", and "fortississimo" () correspondingly refers to "extremely loud".
Subito is commonly used with sforzandos, but can appear with all other dynamic notations, most commonly as (subitofortissimo) or (subitopianissimo).
This theme builds in intensity until it reaches a fortissimo peak, at which point it breaks suddenly into its.