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फ़ज़ Meaning in English

फ़ज़ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : faz
, fuz

फ़ज़ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The body and igniter fuze are made of special plastic material and generate no splinters.

The differences between the Mk III, the Mk IIIA1 (also written Mk 3A1) and the Mk IIIA2 (also written Mk 3A2) were improved versions of the M6 fuze: the Mk III featured the M6/A1, the Mk IIIA1 the M6A2, and the Mk IIIA2, the M6A3.

Press release announcing Millennial Concepts " Transfuzion's Miskatonic Project graphic novel.

The second type of torpedo (mentioned as the same type that was used to sink HMS Royal Oak in 1939), was described as having a magnetic fuze designed to detect the deviations in the Earth's magnetic field caused by a ship's metal hull and explode beneath its keel.

Dave Meros – fuzz bass, wash bass, fretless bass.

When an MLOCR does not recognize a valid address on a letter, (usually due to hand-written addressing) it sends an image of the mailpiece to a central RBCS (RVE) site where more sophisticated optical character recognition software is able to interpret many hand-written addresses using neural net and fuzzy logic algorithms.

Sport in Harelbeke Transderivational search (often abbreviated to TDS) is a psychological and cybernetics term, meaning when a search is being conducted for a fuzzy match across a broad field.

But it is warm and fuzzy, and has some good laughs and a lot of sweetness.

Ronnie Montrose stumbled upon it while messing with a slide and fuzz box one day in the studio.

The addition of another 1 or 1½ oz of vodka to the fuzzy navel creates a "hairy navel", the more "hair" referring to the increased strength of alcohol in the drink.

Press release announcing Millennial Concepts " Transfuzion are joining forces (July 9, 2008).

Pholas Dactylus (band) albums Rough fuzzy hybridization is a method of [intelligent system] or soft computing, where Fuzzy set theory is used for linguistic representation of patterns, leading to a fuzzy granulation of the feature space.

फ़ज़ हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

स्वचालित तर्क के उपकरण और तकनीकों में शास्त्रीय लॉजिक्स और केल्की, फ़ज़ी लॉजिक, बेइज़ियन अनुमान, मैक्सिमल एन्ट्रापी के साथ तर्क और कई कम औपचारिक तदर्थ तकनीक शामिल हैं।

फ़ज़ी लॉजिक, लॉजिक के किसी अन्य रूप की अपेक्षा कम प्रिसाइज़ नहीं होता है: यह इनहेरेंट्ली इमप्रिसाइज़ अवधारणाओं को हैंडल करने का एक संगठित और गणितीय पद्धति है।

लीबिया के मुहाफ़ज़ाह (ऐतिहासिक)।

कलेम साअदत (साबक़ सरबराह पाक फ़ज़ाएह)।

:ध्यान दें, हालांकि, कि फ़ज़ी लॉजिक, प्रोबैबिलिटी (अधिसम्भाव्यता) के प्रति विवादास्पद नहीं बल्कि कुछ-कुछ पूरक होता है (cf.)।

""चित्र जोड़ें अनबार प्रान्त, जिसे अरबी में मुहाफ़ज़ात अल-अनबार () कहते हैं इराक़ का एक प्रान्त है।

सेट S का फ़ज़ी सबसेट S \rightarrow[0,1], रिकर्सिवली इन्युमरेबल होता है यदि रिकर्सिव मैप h : S ×N \rightarrowÜ, इस तरह से मौजूद हो कि S में प्रत्येक x के लिए, n के सन्दर्भ में फंक्शन h(x,n) बढ़ रहा हो और s (x) lim h (x, n) हो।

शिवाजी से निपटने के लिए बीजापुर के सुल्तान ने अब्दुल्लाह भटारी (अफ़ज़ल खां) को शिवाजी के विरूद्ध भेजा।

फ़ज़ी लॉजिक के चर्च थीसिस (Church thesis) को समर्थन देने के लिए यह एक मुक्त प्रश्न है जो यह दावा करता है कि फ़ज़ी सबसेट्स के रिकर्सिव इन्युमरेबिलिटी की प्रस्तावित धारणा, एक पर्याप्त धारणा है।

जबकि गणित में वेरिएबल्स साधारणतः संख्यात्मक वैल्यूज़ को ग्रहण करते हैं लेकिन फ़ज़ी लॉजिक के अनुप्रयोगों में, गैर-संख्यात्मक भाषाई वेरिएबल्स (भाषाई अस्थिरता) का प्रायः नियमों और तथ्यों की अभिव्यक्ति की सुविधा प्रदान करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है।

हालाँकि, 'कलकत्ता' नाम का एक संस्करण, अबुल फ़ज़ल के ऐन-ए-अकबरी (1596) में उल्लिखित है।

इन्हें मुहाफ़ज़ात (एकवचन - मुहाफ़ज़ा) कहते हैं।

हिज हाइनेस सर निज़ाम-उल-मुल्क, अफ़ज़ल-अड़-डौलह, नवाब फ़ारूक़ी मीर टहनियत अली खान सिद्दीक़ी बायफंडी बहादुर, असफ जह पंचम, GCSI, हैदराबाद के निज़ाम।

फ़ज़ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

It is also the birthplace of composer Bonifazio Asioli, Venetian School composer Claudio Merulo, rock singer Luciano Ligabue, educator Loris Malaguzzi, who developed the Reggio Emilia approach, 1908 Summer Olympics marathon runner Dorando Pietri, and novelist Pier Vittorio Tondelli.

Teatro Comunale Bonifazio Asioli.

Gouki took his master's beaded necklace and walks away completely unfazed.

John Bonifaz, Warrior King: The Case for Impeaching George Bush (2003), .

Though Fujita was unfazed and completed the takedown, it opened a cut in his eye, which moved the referee to stop the match for a TKO loss for the Japanese.

The children were unfazed by the change in length, continuing to treat the plate was a winner.

A"T is not fazed by this and performs their mix of retro and current sounds.

In 2005, Ariel Sharon and Shaul Mofaz did not extend Moshe Ya'alon's term to a fourth year, during which he was interpreted as a dismissal in light of Ya'alon's opposition to the disengagement plan.

Two Chiefs of the General Staff (Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak) have become Prime Minister of Israel and eleven others (Yigael Yadin, Moshe Dayan, Tzvi Tzur, Haim Bar-Lev, Mordechai Gur, Rafael Eitan, Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, Shaul Mofaz, Moshe Ya'alon, Gabi Ashkenazi, and Benny Gantz) have served in the Knesset.

Six former Chiefs of the General Staff (Dayan, Rabin, Barak, Mofaz, Ya'alon, and Gantz) held the position of Defense Minister, widely considered to be one of the most powerful ministerial posts in the country and the immediate civilian superior of the Chief of the General Staff.

The Movement for Quality Government and Meretz, which had submitted the petition to the High Court, welcomed the decision, as well as many Members of Knesset, among them Kadima's Tzipi Livni, Shaul Mofaz, and Yohanan Plesner, and Likud's Tzipi Hotovely.

" It was also followed by controversy and a threat by Mofaz to have Kadima leave the coalition that it recently joined over the issue itself.

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