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प्रोगराम Meaning in English

प्रोगराम शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : program

प्रोगराम हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

बाद में वे युनाइटड नेशंस फ़ूड एंड एग्रीकल्चरल ऑर्गनाइज़ेशन (एफ़एओ) के एनजीओ दक्षिण एशिया प्रोगराम से जुड़ी थी जहाँ उन्होंने 27 साल तक काम किया।

उनके ज़ेहन में यह बात आई कि कंप्यूटर प्रोगराम ऐसी भाषा में लिखे जाने चाहते है जो अंग्रेज़ी जैसी हो।

""आफ़्रीकांस के प्रसार का एक कारण इसकी सार्वजनिक उन्नती भी है कि यह आम तौर पर अख़बारों, रेडियो प्रोगरामों, टी.वी. आदि पर इसका इस्तेमाल किया जाता है और 1933 में पूरे हुए पहले अनुवादों से लेकर बायबल के काफ़ी अनुवाद इस भाषा में प्रकाशित हो चुके हैं।

उस समय प्रोगरामों को एसम्बली भाषाओं में लिखे जाते थे जो मशीन भाषा जैसी होती थी और इसको समझना मुश्किल थी।

प्रोगराम इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In the book Global Energy Transformation, author Mats Larsson refers to the work of Professor Ruttan and argues that large scale government programs for energy systems transformation will become necessary to drive the development of new energy technologies.

Larsson refers to earlier large scale development programs and projects, to support his argument.

One is the transformation of US industry to war production during World War II, the second is the Marshall Plan and the third is the Apollo program.

A similar government funded program will become necessary to transform global energy systems on a large scale.

However, by the time he had graduated, Chávez had emceed a beauty contest as well as taken charge of his own obscure radio program.

The Express Course is a nationwide four-year programme that leads up to the Singapore-Cambridge GCE Ordinary Level examination.

The Normal Course is a nationwide 4-year programme leading to the Singapore-Cambridge GCE Normal Level examination, which runs either the Normal (Academic) curriculum or Normal (Technical) curriculum, abbreviated as N(A) and N(T) respectively.

Many television programs, music videos, and movies have been filmed on castle grounds, including NBC's Heroes and T-mobile's Frankenstein commercial.

2nd Battalion, 4th Marines (2/4) – (assigned to the 5th Marine Regiment for the purpose of facilitating 4th Marines as a "host" regimental headquarters for battalions on unit deployment program assignments to 3rd MARDIV on Okinawa.

The Large distillery eventually ceased operations and the property was sold to a developer who leased it to Westinghouse in the 1950s, and several of the warehouse buildings were adapted for developing and testing reactor plant components for the nuclear submarine development program underway at Bettis under the direction of Admiral Hyman G.

Westinghouse and Aerojet were ready to begin construction of the first flight engines to be launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida beginning in 1973 when the program was canceled.

Government funding for the NERVA program was ended in 1972 due to "lack of clear requirements for its capabilities.

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