<< अव्यवस्था की अध्यक्षता प्रेसिडियोस >>

प्रेसिडियो Meaning in English

प्रेसिडियो शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : presidio

प्रेसिडियो हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

उन्होंने आठ साल के लिए प्रेसिडियो हिल स्कूल में इंग्लिश और सोशल स्टडीज सिखाया।

""सात साल बाद 1776 में एक अभियान Juan Bautista डे Anza के नेतृत्व में, सेन फ्रांसिस्को के प्रेसिडियो जो जोस जोकिन Moraga जल्द ही स्थापित होगा के लिए इस साइट को चुना है।

[38] अस्थायी टेंट गांवों में अस्थायी तौर पर गोल्डन गेट में बसे शरणार्थियों पार्क, प्रेसिडियो, समुद्र तटों पर और दूसरी जगहों. पूर्व बे करने के लिए बहुत से स्थायी रूप से भाग गए।

सेवा से बाहर पानी के साधन के साथ, प्रेसिडियो आर्टिलरी कोर के लिए इमारतों के ब्लॉक करने के लिए dynamiting firebreaks बनाने के द्वारा नरक होते हैं तीन शहर के चौथाई से अधिक है।

प्रेसिडियो इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The Jaega were initially friendly towards the Spanish, but later attacked the presidio and forced the Spanish to withdraw less than a year later.

A fifty-year long conflict, the Chichimeca War initially used the construction of presidios to place soldiers permanently to protect the trunk lines.

The frontier institutions of the presidio and the Christian mission complex became standard crown-supported ways to establish and maintain Spanish control in northern Mexico.

de la Garza Falcón led a contingent of fifty men from the presidio of Cerralvo to the mouth of the river.

He founded the villa of Camargo, a presidio for the military squadron, and a mission, San Augustín de Laredo, for the Indians.

He established presidios at Ojuelos and Portezuelos, on the road to Zacatecas.

The presidio was the first permanent European settlement on the Pacific Coast of the present-day United States.

As the first of the presidios and Spanish missions in California, it was the base of operations for the Spanish colonization of California.

The presidio had a commanding view of San Diego Bay and the Pacific Ocean, allowing the Spanish to see potential intruders.

By 1783, there were 54 troops stationed at the presidio.

With Mexican independence in 1821, the presidio came under Mexican control, and was officially relinquished by the Spanish on April 20, 1822.

The presidio was abandoned by 1835 and fell to ruins, because settlers preferred to live in the more accessible town - present-day Old Town San Diego State Historic Park - which developed at the foot of Presidio Hill.

By the time he reached adulthood, settlement around the fort (presidio) that his father had commanded had grown to become the early pueblo San Diego; Estudillo "followed" in his father's footsteps when, during 1837–38, he was Alcade and Juez de Paz of San Diego.

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