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प्रीबेंड्स Meaning in English

प्रीबेंड्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : prebends

प्रीबेंड्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

He held several prebends, was Dean of St Asaph and then Dean of Wells, and became Bishop of Norwich in June 1413, being consecrated on 17 September 1413.

A number of his nephews were given benefices and appointed to prebends.

For most of that time he also held two prebends under the peculiar jurisdiction of St.

The church was collegiate until 1545 when the two prebends were abolished.

Joseph wrote in 1996, "According to the theory of prebendalism, state offices are regarded as prebends that can be appropriated by officeholders, who use them to generate material benefits for themselves and their constituents and kin groups.

He was presented to the parsonage of Chalk, Kent, by the prior and convent of Norwich, and held the rectory of Doddington in the same county (Hasted); he was also rector of ‘Ruddeby’ (Rudby in Cleveland), and held prebends in several churches (Hemingburgh).

His brother Thomas was papal chaplain, and held prebends at York Minster and Southwell Minster.

He also held the prebends of Holme, Strensall and Weighton in Yorkshire.

" Hubert Walter dissolved the college and King John conferred the prebends on him in 1203 in order that he could endow a new Cistercian abbey on the site.

In addition, there was a Theologus and a Penitentiarius, in accordance with the decrees of the Council of Trent; they held prebends, but did not have a vote in the Chapter.

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