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प्रीफेस Meaning in English

प्रीफेस शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : preface

प्रीफेस हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

उनमें सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण वक्तव्य वर्ड सवर्थ का ‘प्रीफेस टु दि लिरिकल बैलड्स’, कोलरिज की ‘बायोग्रैफिया लिटरेरिया’और शेली की पुस्तक ‘ए डिफ़ेंस ऑव पोएट्री’है।

""बार्क्ट, ग्रैनविले : प्रीफेसेज़ शेक्सपियर।

बार्क्ट, ग्रैनविले : प्रीफेसेज़ शेक्सपियर।

इनकी गद्य कृतियों में ‘लाइव्ज़ ऑव दि पोएट्स’, ‘रासेलस’और ‘प्रीफेसेज़ टु शेक्सपियर’ अत्यंत महत्त्वपूर्ण है।

प्रीफेस इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

" prefaces the page numbers and main words in titles appear in capital letters, following MLA style guidelines.

George Bernard Shaw had become interested in Davies, a literary unknown at the time, and had agreed to write a preface for the book, largely through the efforts of his wife Charlotte.

According to the publisher's preface, around the turn of the 20th century, Cleaver, a young minister from Winnipeg, read through Les Misérables and often retold it in his own words.

The manuscript contains the text of the four Gospels in Latin along with the Eusebian canon tables, prefaces, summaries and capitulary.

When adherents refer to the Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve, his name is usually prefaced by the [title Annie Harrison may refer to:.

This edition included ten of Sidney's songs, a preface by Thomas Nashe and verses from other poets including Thomas Campion, Samuel Daniel and the Earl of Oxford.

Porter, in the preface "Go Little Book .

Later, in the preface to the second edition of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, the authors clarified that "ACT has not been created to undercut the traditions from which it came, nor does it claim to be a panacea.

This psalter was to become a prototype for Reformed worship, but Calvin did not have any objection to the use of original hymns in other churches, and he did not appeal to scripture in his preface to the psalter justifying his preference for the Psalms.

" Even so lately as 1660, Howell, in the preface of his Lexicon says, "the root of most of the English language is Dutch," by which of course he means the Teutonic or old German.

The most valuable part of the commentary were the introductory prefaces to the several books and 114 learned dissertations on special topics.

Texas A"M University Press, 1983, Translated from the French with a preface by Lawrence Durrell.

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