प्रार्थित Meaning in English
प्रार्थित शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : prayed
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
अभ्यर्थनाप्रार्थना का
प्रार्थने की क्रिया
प्रार्थना संबंधी
प्रार्थना पुस्तक
प्रार्थना पुस्तिका
मृतात्मा के लिये प्रार्थना समारोह
प्रेयर चिकन
प्रार्थना संग्रह
प्रार्थना चक्र
प्रेयर फायर
मृतक के लिये प्रार्थना
प्रार्थना सूचक
प्रार्थित हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
इति संप्रार्थितः सूतो मुनिसंघैर्मुहुर्मुहुः ||कुतूहलेन महता प्रोवाच मधुरं वचः || ६||।
इति संप्रार्थितः शश्वन्महादेवो महेश्वरः | आनन्दभरतिः स्वान्ते पार्वतीमिदमब्रवीत् || १६||।
""2006 से पहले, AOL, अपने सॉफ्टवेयर युक्त CD-ROM के (और फ्लॉपी डिस्कमें पहले 3) बड़े पैमाने पर अप्रार्थित प्रत्यक्ष मेल के लिए कुख्यात था।
2006 से पहले, AOL, अपने सॉफ्टवेयर युक्त CD-ROM के (और फ्लॉपी डिस्कमें पहले 3) बड़े पैमाने पर अप्रार्थित प्रत्यक्ष मेल के लिए कुख्यात था।
यदि कोई प्रक्रिया अनिश्चित समय तक अपने स्थिति को बदलने में असमर्थ है, क्योंकि इसके द्वारा प्रार्थित किए गए संसाधनों का उपयोग किसी अन्य प्रतीक्षा प्रक्रिया द्वारा किया जा रहा है, तो सिस्टम को डेडलॉक या गतिरोध में कहा जाता है।
जनता जिन अंशों के क्रय के लिए प्रार्थनापात्र दे उनके अंकित मूल्य को प्रार्थित पूँजी (Subscribed captial) तथा अंशधारियों द्वारा जितनी राशि का भुगतान किया जाए उसे दत्तपूँजी (Paid captial) कहते हैं।
""इति संप्रार्थितः सूतो मुनिसंघैर्मुहुर्मुहुः ||कुतूहलेन महता प्रोवाच मधुरं वचः || ६||।
प्रार्थित इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Such was the temper of David towards Saul and Absalom; the Martyr Stephen also prayed for his enemies while they stoned him, and Paul wished himself anathema for the sake of his persecutors.
Paris green was heavily sprayed by airplane in Italy, Sardinia, and Corsica during 1944 and in Italy in 1945 to control malaria.
In 2001, two Nagoya prison guards reportedly sprayed a high-power water hose at an "unruly" inmate's anus, resulting in his death the following day.
The rupture created a geyser that sprayed diesel fuel more than into the air, coating overhead power lines and adjacent trees, and misting adjacent Virginia Electric " Power Company buildings.
In the early years of her beehive hairdo, Goodyear would have her real hair combed back and she sprayed a large amount of hair lacquer onto it, though after a few years she received a false hairpiece to keep up the image onscreen.
s is forced through the green coffee beans which are then sprayed with water at high pressure to remove the caffeine.
On the morning of 31 December, the defense attaché was nearly killed when his vehicle was sprayed with bullets and that evening, a soldier at a roadblock shot the tires of a vehicle carrying another defense official.
And with eager hope in its beautiful, its sweet and its golden freedom, lifting ourselves upwards to God, we prayed to the Almighty to guide and protect Ante Pavelić for the liberation of Croatia.
On July 17, 2007, the remembrance day of the Russian Royal Family, several Orthodox groups publicly prayed that the metro station in Moscow might be renamed.
Benjamin for his part publicly prayed for 'Amr and addressed him with admiration.
While transporting Empress Teimei back to Tokyo after she toured several shrines where she prayed for the health of her husband, the ship was caught in a typhoon that forced her escorting destroyer, , ashore, but did not damage the battleship.
At times, she was scared, and prayed or cried.
Souls who wished to be prayed for, secured their listing by giving alms, donations, or gifts.