प्रांतिक Meaning in English
प्रांतिक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : provincial
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
प्रांतीय शहर
प्रांतीय राजमार्ग
प्रांतीय भाषा
प्रांतीय भाषा संबंधी
प्रांतिक आदमी
प्रांतीय रूप में
प्रांतीय रूप से
प्रांतिक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अपनी कार्टूनों को उन्होंने 'कर्रेंट साइंस',$साइंस रिपोर्टर$, $रेज़ोनंस$, $विज्ञान ज्योति$, $दृष्टि$, $असम विज्ञान सोसायटी का जर्नल$, $प्रांतिक$, $गणितसोरा$, $एनाजोरी$ और https://web.archive.org/web/20181225041423/http://www.xahitya.org/ वेबसैट पर प्रकाशित किया गया है।
१८६४ में जिला और प्रांतिक कौंसिलों (जेम्सहस) की और १८७० में निर्वाचित नगरपालिकाओं की स्थापना हुई।
यदि कॉर्टिकल मानचित्र में से कोई भी क्षतिग्रस्त हो जाता है तो आसन्न क्षेत्र क्षतिग्रस्त प्रांतिक मानचित्र के कार्य को लेते हैं।
""11. आनरेबल राय श्रीराम बहादुर, एम.ए.बी.एल. एडवोकेट अवध, मेम्बर प्रांतिक लेजिसलेटिव कौंसिल, तथा फेलो इलाहाबाद युनिर्वसिटी, लखनऊ।
इस समय भारत में अनेक भाषाओं का प्रचार होने के कारण प्रांतिक भाषाओं से सर्वसाधारण का लाभ नहीं हो सकता।
वे हैं लिखने की भाषा (जिसको प्रमाणभाषा भी कहा जाता है), प्रांतिक और नई नॉर्वेजिअन (अर्थात् प्रांतिक भाषा)।
13. आनरेबल सेठ रघुबरदयान, मेम्बर प्रांतिक लेजिसलेटिव कौंसिल, सीतापुर।
प्रांतिक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
As a so-called provinciano ("provincial person", that is, an implication of backwardness regarding the social graces of urban life), Chávez was prima facie regarded by his peers as both polite and shy.
They conducted combat operations, which included the training and advising of Iraqi forces, and along with RCT-1 and Multi National Forces-West (MNF-W), oversaw Anbar's pacification and eventual transfer to provincial Iraqi control.
Daniel Harcourt Galbraith (1878-1968), Canadian provincial politician.
In 2003, Bluevale hosted the first annual provincial "DanceFest", a competition and showcase for dance teams from schools across Ontario to celebrate student choreography and collaboration through workshops, performance and professional adjudication.
In 2015, Ontario Secondary School DANCEFEST became a Not-for-Profit organization providing knowledge, creativity and educational development to more than 450 student dancers, teachers and dance professionals at their provincial event in Niagara Falls at the Scotiabank Convention Centre.
Abdulrehman ibn Samrah made Zaranj his provincial capital and remained governor of these conquered areas from 654 to 656, until Uthman was murdered.
After the second conflict, a Baloch separatist movement gained momentum in the 1960s, following the introduction of a new constitution in 1956 which limited provincial autonomy and enacted the 'One Unit' concept of political organisation in Pakistan.
The British were also aided by their diplomatic and political agreements with the native population, local potentates, and important provincial princes to protect the march from the coast to Magdala and to provide a reliable supply of food and forage.
Military personnel from New York City The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario fielded a full slate of candidates in the 1995 Ontario provincial election, and won a majority government with 82 out of 130 seats.
He was active with the Lincoln County Academy of Medicine, and with the district and provincial branches of the Ontario Medical Association.
Soup-related lists The governing New Democratic Party of Ontario ran a full slate of candidates in the 1995 Ontario provincial election, and fell to third place status with 17 of 130 seats.
Subsequently, Jacobs was nominated as the provincial NDP candidate for a 1995 by-election in St.
Pharmaceuticals policy The New Democratic Party of Ontario (NDP) fielded a full slate of candidates in the 1990 provincial election, and won a majority government with 74 out of 130 seats.