प्रदर्शक Meaning in English
प्रदर्शक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : exhibitor
, foreshadowing
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वन निर्माण
प्रदर्शक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
23/10, and the consensus is: "Due to obvious plot twists and foreshadowing, The Glass House fails to thrill.
The scripture readings and hymns for Lazarus Saturday focus on the resurrection of Lazarus as a foreshadowing of the Resurrection of Christ, and a promise of the General Resurrection.
Angela then holds a séance as a party game, but Helen screams when she sees a demon in the mirror foreshadowing her demise, and the mirror falls to the ground in pieces.
In addition to being the first black president more than thirty-six years before the real-world occurrence, the fictional Dilman was also the first president elected to neither that office nor to the Vice Presidency, foreshadowing the real-world elevation of Gerald Ford by less than twenty-five months.
In a foreshadowing of when the NHL in 1926 would declare the American Hockey League an "outlaw league", the NHA declared the Pacific Coast Hockey Association (PCHA) an "outlaw league" after it signed several NHA players.
It was not long before he was called on to defend the dignity and independence of his office against the Austrian government, which, even under Maria Theresa, was foreshadowing the reign of Joseph II.
Upon rising, the Beast reacts to Cordelia, foreshadowing her future role in the season.
But the armed revolt was breaking out in central Iraq, triggered by the arrest of one of Sadr's deputies - another foreshadowing of events in the last week.
The song is [rock], except for a gentle acoustic guitar tag at the end—foreshadowing the next part, "Discovery".
It is the first skyscraper to have large plate glass windows make up the majority of its surface area, foreshadowing a design feature that would become dominant in the 20th century.
) Using the equipment to allow swordsmen to practice techniques freely and engage in sporting matches, foreshadowing the rise of modern kendo, led to the rapid popularity of the Nakanishi branch of Ittō-ryū.
There is a subtle foreshadowing in the book's first chapter that points to Ellie being the Lady of the Lake, as opposed to the Lady of Shalott.
It also sets the stage for many of the events to follow in the series, foreshadowing plot points from the third and fourth seasons.
प्रदर्शक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
हिंदी साहित्य और बौद्धिकता के पथ-प्रदर्शकों में उनका नाम अविस्मरणीय है।
रास्टाफ़ेरियन संगीत प्रदर्शक।
विगत भूलें भविष्य की पथप्रदर्शक होती हैं।
कवि रॉबर्ट बर्न्स के भतीजे रेवरेंड थॉमस बर्न्स एक अध्यात्मिक पथप्रदर्शक थे।
तत्पश्चात् इस संबध में एक लंबा वादविवाद हुआ जिसके अंत में यह निश्चय किया गया कि न वेद और न ही उपनिषद् सही अर्थों में सच्चे पथप्रदर्शक माने जा सकते हैं।
इसलिए हम यह कह सकते है कि शिक्षक अपने शिष्य का सच्चा पथ प्रदर्शक है।
"" उन्होंने लिखा कि हमें इस बात पर प्रसन्न होना चाहिये कि तकदीर ने हमें अपने समय में एक ऐसा व्यक्ति तोहफे में दिया जो आने वाली पीढ़ियों के लिये पथ प्रदर्शक बनेगा।
वाहन का अंदरूनी भाग एक डैश पर चढ़ाये हुए शिफ्ट लीवर और एक संकर (हाइब्रिड) पॉवरट्रेन प्रदर्शक सहित एक छोटे से स्पर्श परदे (टच स्क्रीन) से युक्त था।
2000: Oracle ई-बिजनेस सूट 11i, एकीकृत एंटरप्राइज़ अनुप्रयोग सॉफ्टवेयर का पथ प्रदर्शक बना।
5. अन्य प्रकार के माइक्रोमीटर, 6. मानक गेज, 7. सीमाप्रदर्शक गेज, 8. प्रामाणिक स्लिप गेज,।
ये प्रदर्शक से जुडा होता है।
उनका कहना है, सैयद अशरफ़, जो एक प्रिय संत थे मेरे लिए उज्ज्वल पंथ के प्रदर्शक बने और उन्होंने प्रेम का दीपक जलाकर मेरा हृदय निर्मल कर दिया।
हमारे पथ प्रदर्शक - विष्णु प्रभाकर।
प्रदर्शक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In addition to the estimated 125 yachts on display, over 580 exhibitors including brokerage companies, superyacht builders, yacht designers, luxury brands, and luxury automobile companies participate in the event.
He was a regular exhibitor at Anthony Hordern's art gallery from 1919–40.
In 1971 Lionel Leventhal organised The Specialist Publishers’ Exhibition for Librarians, with 22 exhibitors displaying titles on tabletops.
Over 1700 international exhibitors participate in The London Book Fair.
Amadeo was among the most commercially successful of the exhibitors at the Armory Show, as he sold seven of the eight works he had on display there.
Because Clarion, unlike Reed Elsevier, is a private company it is not possible to organise shareholder opposition; instead the focus has been on making exhibitors and visitors aware of Clarion's arms trade connections.
It offers the opportunity to exhibitors to present their latest products and developments to the general public.
245,000 visitors and 1,645 exhibitors attended IFA 2015.
Moore was a regular exhibitor at the Grosvenor Gallery from 1877 onwards.
The conference featured over 250 exhibitors annually, with Apple being its main exhibitor.
It was a major box office disappointment as per the distributors and exhibitors.
Ranga then embarked on a film career lasting more than five decades, during which he played the roles of cinematographer, director, producer, laboratory owner, studio owner, exhibitor and script-writer, sometimes all at once for one of his productions.
CFA club for exhibitors, breeders and fanciers.