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प्रतिदीप्तिदर्शन Meaning in English

प्रतिदीप्तिदर्शन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : reflection
, fluorescence

प्रतिदीप्तिदर्शन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

As a backup to etching/labeling of the material identification on the pipe, positive material identification (PMI) is performed using a handheld device; the device scans the pipe material using an emitted electromagnetic wave (x-ray fluorescence/XRF) and receives a reply that is spectrographically analyzed.

The chloride ion is a well known quencher for quinine fluorescence.

Each spectrum was specific, which is advantageous over fluorescence detection; some fluorescent markers overlap and interfere with other gene markers.

It is a soluble dye used as a biological dye, in fluorescence microscopy, appearing a yellow-green colour after excitation with violet light.

Specimens with equivocal IHC results should then be validated using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH).

Induced X-ray fluorescence reveals the spatial distribution of individual elements in a sample.

Unlike end point PCR (conventional PCR), real time PCR allows monitoring of the desired product at any point in the amplification process by measuring fluorescence (in real time frame, measurement is made of its level over a given threshold).

A DNA-binding dye binds to all double-stranded (ds) DNA in PCR, increasing the fluorescence quantum yield of the dye.

Although the use of coefficients can significantly improve the reliability of colocalization detection, it depends on the number of factors, including the conditions of how samples with fluorescence were prepared and how images with colocalization were acquired and processed.

However, a loss of cells in the intermediolateral column of the spinal cord has been documented, as has a loss of catecholamine uptake and catecholamine fluorescence in sympathetic postganglionic neurons.

Then the reaction is run in a real-time PCR instrument, and after each cycle, the intensity of fluorescence is measured with a detector; the dye only fluoresces when bound to the dsDNA (i.

Cyanine dyes are used to label proteins, antibodies, peptides, nucleic acid probes, and any kind of other biomolecules to be used in a variety of fluorescence detection techniques: Flow cytometry, Microscopy (mainly Visible range, but also UV, IR), Microplate assays, Microarrays, as well as "light-up Probes," and in vivo imaging.

In addition, due to the tendency of fluorescence images to contain a certain amount of out-of-focus signal, and poisson shot and other noise, they usually require pre-processing prior to quantification.

प्रतिदीप्तिदर्शन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""एक एक्स-रे इमेज इंटेंसिफायर के इस्तेमाल से प्राप्त प्रतिदीप्तिदर्शन के इस्तेमाल से खोखले अंगों (जैसे - छोटी या बड़ी अंत का बेरियम एनीमा) के विपरीत अध्ययनों या एंजियोग्राफी जैसी 'वास्तविक-जीवन' प्रक्रियाओं में भी एक्स-रे का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।

सीटी (CT) और प्रतिदीप्तिदर्शन, साधारण एक्स-रे का इस्तेमाल करने के बजाय विकिरण की अत्यधिक मात्रा को आवश्यक बना देते हैं।

सेनसेई को, हस्तचालित की तुलना में मिश्रित सफलता मिली है, जिसमें आनुपातिक उच्च प्रक्रियात्मक जटिलताएं भी देखी गई, इसमें प्रक्रिया की अवधि लम्बी है और रोगी के लिए प्रतिदीप्तिदर्शन खुराक निम्न है।

आम तौर पर इंजेक्शन विकिरण-चिकित्सा संबंधी (रेडियोलॉजिकल) मार्गदर्शन में, प्रतिदीप्तिदर्शन, अल्ट्रासाउंड या परिकलित टॉमोग्राफी (सी टी) के साथ दिए जाते हैं।

साधारण एक्स-रे और सीटी (CT) स्कैन के अलावा, चिकित्सक एक एक्स-रे परीक्षण पद्धति के रूप में प्रतिदीप्तिदर्शन का उपयोग करते हैं।

एक एक्स-रे इमेज इंटेंसिफायर के इस्तेमाल से प्राप्त प्रतिदीप्तिदर्शन के इस्तेमाल से खोखले अंगों (जैसे - छोटी या बड़ी अंत का बेरियम एनीमा) के विपरीत अध्ययनों या एंजियोग्राफी जैसी 'वास्तविक-जीवन' प्रक्रियाओं में भी एक्स-रे का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।

प्रतिदीप्तिदर्शन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

However, Dauss's 1918 record was more a reflection of the collapse of the Detroit team as a whole.

After a successful demonstration in February 1935 of the reflection of radio waves by an aircraft, the development of radar went ahead, and a team of five people including Bowen was set up at Orfordness under the cover of doing ionospheric research.

Throughout the film, Danvers' favourite line with women is: "My God, but you're lovely"—which, in the final scene after Marion has gone back to Jimmy and Danvers has made a date with another woman, he says to his own reflection.

The fundamental principle behind the operation of an FBG is Fresnel reflection, where light traveling between media of different refractive indices may both reflect and refract at the interface.

The peak reflection (\scriptstyle P_B(\lambda_B)) is approximately given by,.

Typically, the reflection spectra of a type I grating is equal to 1-T where T is the transmission spectra.

This means that the reflection and transmission spectra are complementary and there is negligible loss of light by reflection into the cladding or by absorption.

He was observed in a street staring at his reflection in a mirror, convinced that some sort of doctor had drilled a hole in his nose.

Apparent gloss depends on the amount of specular reflection – light reflected from the surface in an equal amount and the symmetrical angle to the one of incoming light – in comparison with diffuse reflection – the amount of light scattered into other directions.

Scattered from or within it (diffuse reflection, haze and transmission).

Variations in surface texture directly influence the level of specular reflection.

The image forming qualities of these surfaces are much lower making any reflections appear blurred and distorted.

Metals do not suffer from this effect producing higher amounts of reflection at any angle.

The diagram on the right depicts the reflection at an angle i on a rough surface with a characteristic roughness height h .

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