पौधे का राज्य Meaning in English
पौधे का राज्य शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : plant kingdom
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पौधे-का-राज्य इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A member of the Fynbos plant kingdom, Bartholina is also known as the "spider orchid".
Viridiplantae, Chlorobionta, or simply Plantae, the latter expanding the traditional plant kingdom to include the green algae.
For example, "citrus" is "vegetable" in the sense referring to the entire plant kingdom, i.
Das Pflanzenreich (The Plant Kingdom), with the collaboration of many notable experts, 1900–1968: This monographic series on the plant kingdom is presently incomplete.
He published many books on natural history, eg Natuurlyke Historie of uitvoerige Beschryving der Dieren, Planten en Mineraalen, volgens het Samenstel van den Heer Linnaeus, in 37 volumes (1761-1773), following Carl Linnaeus' division into the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, and the mineral kingdom.