पोगो स्टिक Meaning in English
पोगो स्टिक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : pogo stick
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पोगो-स्टिक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The Flybar is a modification of the traditional pogo stick design which allows riders to propel themselves up to a world record 8 feet 6"nbsp;inches into the air according to the Flybar's website.
Developed in a collaborative effort between SBI Enterprises, Bruce Middleton and Andy Macdonald, it utilizes in place of the usual steel spring in a regular pogo stick 12 elastic bands used for propulsion, also known as thrusters.
Zoidberg, whom he gifts a pogo stick.
Thanks to some quick thinking by Zoidberg, who uses the pogo stick to cut the wires to the Christmas lights, which then electrocutes Santa, the crew manage to force him back into the chimney, where an explosion sends him and his mechanical reindeer tumbling into the stratosphere.
Lockheed employees derisively nicknamed the aircraft the "pogo stick" (a direct reference to the rival Convair XFY's name).
3rd-century executions Extreme Pogo or Xpogo is an action sport which involves riding and performing tricks on specially designed "extreme" pogo sticks.
These pogo sticks have the potential for jumping over 3 meters of height.
The beginnings of Xpogo are somewhat contested, but it is acknowledged among the Xpogo community that Dave Armstrong from Provo, Utah, USA was likely the first individual in the 20th century to make a conscious and consistent effort to execute tricks on a traditional steel spring pogo stick, beginning in 1999.
During this time there were no Xpogo sticks, only traditional steel spring sticks that could be purchased at established retailers.
A series of grabs, stalls, spins, and wraps utilizing the two foot pegs, two handlebars, and the frame of the pogo stick became the commonly executed tricks.
2004 was the first year "extreme" pogo sticks were available.
Defined as being able to support riders of adult weights while carrying a height potential of 6+ feet, the first extreme pogo stick was the Flybar 1200, by S.
The new height potential made possible by the Flybar allowed new tricks, noted most by the first full backflip on a pogo stick, by Brian “Chewy” Call in 2005.