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पैर वाला Meaning in English

पैर वाला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : footman
, footed

पैर-वाला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Today, the area is filled with squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, white-footed mice, horned owls, red-tailed hawks, red foxes, opossums, skunks, raccoons, woodchucks, pheasants, songbirds, crayfish, butterflies, and white-tailed deer.

Previously widespread throughout the ranges of central Australia, the warru, or black-footed rock-wallaby, is South Australia's most endangered mammal, primarily due to predation by foxes and feral cats.

After Footscray kicked only two goals by three-quarter time in poor conditions, Donald was sent forward in the last quarter and kicked a left-footed goal.

His contributions to the team included a particularly stunning goal, a left footed volley from outside the box against Treviso.

The greater big-footed mouse is found only in Mahajanga Province in north-western Madagascar, in the Ankarafantsika forest which is now part of the Ankarafantsika National Park.

Regardless of breed, typical mining ponies were low set, heavy bodied and heavy limbed with plenty of bone and substance, low-headed and sure-footed.

Dances of the Brush-footed Butterfly, piano solo (2012).

Other waterfowl include mallard, wigeon, common goldeneye, common pochard, tufted duck, ruddy duck and occasionally pink-footed goose.

* Idaea biselata (small fan-footed wave).

who is lord of the two-footed and four-footed creatures here— – Who is the god to whom we should do homage with our oblation?.

His pace was almost medium and even the most fleet-footed of batsmen could not hit him easily on a bad pitch; however, his lack of flight and variety made him less effective on good pitches.

In his second game against Middlesbrough, Faye carelessly got himself sent off after diving into a two-footed tackle on Mohamed Shawky.

In 1963, he claimed that "a large contingent of barefooted Africans" might be training in Georgia as part of a United Nations military exercise to take over the United States.

पैर-वाला हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

अरली जोवर मर्करी के रूप में: एक बेड़ा-पैर वाला पिशाच और फ्रॉस्ट का प्रेमी।

उनकी खोज में उनकी सहायता करने वाला लकी जैक, एक उत्साही, खूंटी-पैर वाला खरगोश और बक नाम का एक स्वार्थी घोड़ा है, जो एक प्रसिद्ध इनाम शिकारी रिको की सेवा में उत्सुकता से काम कर रहा है, जो अपने लिए महिमा चाहता है।

चूँकि इस जीव के पैर की बनावट नाव जैसी है, इसीलिए नाव जैसे पैर वाला अर्थात्‌ स्कैफोपोडा नाम इसे दिया गया।

""यूनानी भाषा में 'एपस' का अर्थ होता है $बिना पैर वाला$।

इस गुफा में एक हजार पैर वाला हाथी भी बना हुआ है।

कुत्ते का वाच्यार्थ एक चार पैर वाला श्वान मांसभक्षी होगा।

प्लेऑफ़ के दौरान, पहला राउंड दो-पैर वाला में खेला जाता है, दोनों टीमों के साथ एक-दूसरे के घर के वेन्यू पर खेलते हैं।

पैर-वाला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Marylebone with a nurse, cook, and footman.

During his ownership of Cowdray, Guy Fawkes was briefly employed as a footman and the 2nd Viscount was briefly imprisoned for complicity in the Gunpowder plot after staying away from Parliament on 5 November 1605 following a warning.

He left home at an extremely early age and made his way to Piacenza, where, at around 13 or 14, he found a position in the household of the city governor, Baldovino Ciocchi del Monte, as a valero, a menial role combining the offices of footman and dogsbody.

The French poet Joachim du Bellay, who lived in Rome during this period, wrote in 1555: "Yet seeing a footman, a child, a beast,/ a rascal, a poltroon made a cardinal / for having taken care of a monkey well, / a Ganymede wearing the red hat on his head / .

Holmes interrogates a survivor - a young girl who was apparently set free by her captor because she has a club foot - and arranges for her to "accidentally" see the footman that he suspects is the killer, despite his ironclad alibis.

"The king was announced as 'King Edward the Seventh', Dr Watson married a Yankee psychiatrist [psychoanalyst], the duchess was having an affair with the footman, well, two as it turned out, and the London fog never lifted.

He left the country with financial aid from Elizabeth Vaux, slipping away disguised as a footman in the retinue of the Spanish Ambassador, on the very day of Henry Garnet's execution.

Trottie True (1949) - The Bellaires' footman.

The duty footman, Paul Whybrew, who had been walking the Queen's dogs, then appeared, followed by two policemen on palace duty who removed Fagan.

* Eilema lurideola (common footman).

Even during the pendency of the case, Mary had an affair with the brother of one of her lawyers, which became public knowledge; an affair with her footman, George Walker, was also alleged.

*Common footman (Eilema lurideola).

A kind of footman, slightly armed with a sword, a target [round shield] of wood, or a bow and sheaf of arrows with barbed heads, or else three darts, which they cast with a wonderful facility and nearness.

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