पेट का निम्न भाग Meaning in English
पेट का निम्न भाग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lower abdomen
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कमीज़ का कमर का नीचे वाला भागनिचली बर्थ
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लोअर कैलिफ़ोर्निया
लोअर कार्बोनिफ़ेरस
निम्न जाति
निम्न वर्ग
निम्न वर्ग का जीवन
निचली अदालत
वस्त्र का निचला किनारा
पोशाक का निचला किनारा
लोअर मिस्र
कोहनी के निचले भाग का कवच
आंत का निचला आधा भाग
पेट-का-निम्न-भाग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The painting depicts a nude woman wearing a thin veil to cover her lower abdomen and is seen half covering her left breast.
Sayama would soon disagree with Maeda over style ideology, which led to a shoot during a match between Sayama and Maeda in 1985, in which Maeda delivered some controversial kicks to Sayama's lower abdomen.
In collisions between testicles and gas tanks, testicle dislocation can occur where they are pushed into the lower abdomen.
A tendency toward a fatty pad in the lower abdomen is expected.
Emin's pouched rats have a distinct line of color difference between their lower abdomen area and upper body.
If performed to hit the lower abdomen, the user slightly bends their legs to force their heels into the lower abdomen.
When properly positioned within the garment, the male anatomical parts are held closely and firmly to the lower abdomen in a raised (pointed upward) attitude rather than in a hanging attitude as for an athletic supporter (although variations are possible for both types of genital support devices).
Burr returned fire and hit Hamilton in the lower abdomen above the right hip.
It is yellow on the undersides of its legs, groin, and lower abdomen; males of the species have a dusky-yellow throat.
The lower abdomen and the undersides of its hind legs are normally red.
For example, for a patient who has had a right sided hip replacement who is scheduled for surgery, the return electrode is placed on the left side of the body on the lateral side of the lower abdomen, which places the return electrode between the location of the metal and the surgical site and on the opposite side from the metal.