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पूर्व दिनाकितकरना Meaning in English

पूर्व दिनाकितकरना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : pre-date

पूर्व-दिनाकितकरना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The high-pitched, thumb or drone string (the chanterelle, the fifth on a modern banjo) is seen on surviving 18th-century four-string banjos, and in banjo illustrations that long pre-date Sweeney's heyday.

The Brighton Cemetery is also located in Caulfield South, and pre-dates the Caulfield Roads Board - the first official recognition of the suburb of Caulfield.

First published in 1909, this book pre-dated the Henry Williamson novel, Tarka the Otter by nearly twenty years.

The use of the rank of colonel pre-dates the establishment of the United Kingdom.

However, there is ample evidence to show that the name pre-dates the construction of the bridge by at least sixty years.

Its importance is that it may well pre-date the famous Chartres maze, yet is of the Chartres pattern that became a standard for mazes.

In textual criticism, the laws attributed to this writer are seen as having formed an earlier independent collection of laws, which were later added to the Priestly Code by an editor, and may, slightly, pre-date the Priestly Source.

This pre-dated modern tow-in surfing and can help lay claim to Potter being one of 'tow-in' surfings pioneers.

Arc reversal has been shown to slightly pre-date the formation of porphyry deposits in the south-west Pacific, after a collisional event.

As the buildings pre-date the standardisation of railway buildings such as cottages, they are relatively rare examples of their type.

Originally thought to have been named after the larger and more northerly Harthill, it has recently been discovered that historical mentions of Newarthill actually pre-date Harthill.

The 17-member Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR)though it was established in 1963 and pre-dates the lotterymakes recommendations to the legislature for use of lottery proceeds credited to special environment and natural resource trust funds.

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