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पूर्ण पोशाक Meaning in English

पूर्ण पोशाक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : full Dress
, full dress

पूर्ण-पोशाक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Yet, full dress uniform is sometimes called dress uniform.

He remained in this forced exile during the Occupation of the Falkland Islands, until they were militarily liberated on 14 June 1982 by a British seaborne taskforce dispatched by the British Government, after which he returned again in full dress uniform and re-established its self-governance.

This included the German cuirassiers, who wore white full dress; British rifle regiments, who wore rifle green; and French mountain troops who wore large berets and light blue trousers.

While full dress uniform is predominantly worn at occasions by commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers, it may also be worn as an optional uniform by some senior enlisted personnel.

The RCAF pipe band's full dress uniform is modelled after the uniforms used by Scottish Highland regiments.

(It is possibly a dinner dress, worn with a full dress cap.

The North African tirailleurs however resumed their colourful full dress uniforms between 1927 and 1939 to assist recruitment.

They were supposed to wear full dress in action, to prevent them being mistaken for Americans by excited warriors (or being taken for "blue-eyed Indians", renegades and rogue fur traders, by American soldiers).

Therefore, the term dress uniform without prefix typically refers to full dress uniform as described in this article.

As such, full dress uniform is the most formal uniform, followed by the mess dress uniform.

The film concludes with a full dress parade in Marty's honor.

Pumps remained as standard with evening full dress until the 1930s.

Although full dress uniforms are often brightly coloured and ornamented with gold epaulettes, braids, lanyards, lampasses, etc.

पूर्ण-पोशाक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

यह होटेल अपने जवानी के दिनों मे (1883 ) काफ़ी विशाल था एवं इसके बारे मे एक कहावत प्रचलित थी की “यदि कोई इसमें एक तरफ से प्रवेश करता है तो वो एक सम्पूर्ण पोशाक खरीदकर, शादी का उपहार खरीद कर, पौधों के बीज मोल लेकर, फिर स्वादिस्ट भोजन का आनंद ले सकता हैं।

उन्होंने पूर्ण पोशाक पाया, जिसमें टोपी का छज्जा, पहनने के लिए बहुत भारी और रबर बैंड के समान था; उसे इसमें जाने के लिए प्रयास करना पड़ा।

"" वॉरीअर अपने रेस्लिंग के पूर्ण पोशाक के साथ वेस्टवे के वेकी चरित्र 'मीन जोए ग्रीड' से बात करते थे।

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