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पिरल Meaning in English

पिरल शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : piral

पिरल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

"I Want You" by Inspiral Carpets, from the album Devil Hopping, 1994.

Uniform synchrony, waves and spirals can readily be observed in two-dimensional Kuramoto networks with diffusive local coupling.

He created the spiral hairpin and a type of carburettor called a petrol economizer, which increased engine performance and reduced fuel consumption.

He founded the Godward Spiral Pin and New Inventions Co Ltd which was a listed company on the New Zealand stock exchange.

Major financial success came in 1901 with the invention of the spiral hairpin he had patented in 1899.

Godward sold the American rights to the spiral hairpin for £20,000, which was a fortune at that time.

"What Did I Hear?" from "Later On (played during spinning record visual, spiraling into center hole; snippet from printed review describing music as "suicidal void".

Inspiral Carpets - "Sackville" (About the red light district in Manchester).

Leucadendron spirale (1930, South Africa: Cape Flora) .

Applications of ODC have been reported by several corporations on a variety of platforms and development processes, ranging from waterfall, spiral, gated, and agile.

"The Cost of a National Crime," detailing the American military oppression of the Filipinos and the spiraling cost of the war to American taxpayers.

One the so-called "Kampos type" is Early Cycladic, characteristically with its straight side decorated with incised lines framing spirals; its rectangular handle with a crossbar; the main circular field commonly decorated with incised running spirals around a central star (ref.

The other is the "Syros type" with a concave undecorated side, and a two-pronged handle; decoration of main circular field with stamped concentric circles or spirals, often accompanied by incised depictions of longboats or what is sometimes interpreted as female genitalia.

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