पागलख़ाना Meaning in English
पागलख़ाना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lunatic asylum
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पागलख़ाना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""ख़ाना का अर्थ होता है कोई कमरा या घर (जैसे की ग़ुसलख़ाना, पागलख़ाना, मयख़ाना, चायख़ाना) जबकि खाना का अर्थ है कोई खाने की चीज़ (खाद्य पदार्थ)।
यह हिन्दी के बहुत से शब्दों में मिलता है जैसे कि 'पागलख़ाना', 'ग़ुसलख़ाना', 'मयख़ाना', इत्यादि।
पागलख़ाना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The lines evoke a scene in a lunatic asylum, beginning with the sonorously disturbing: "We went out of our minds one fine day" (Sišli smo s uma u sjajan dan).
From 1870 to 1884, he practiced law in Richmond, Virginia, before accepting an appointment as Director of the state lunatic asylum in Williamsburg, Virginia, serving until 1887.
Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital, a Kirkbride Plan "lunatic asylum", built in the late 1800s, in Parsippany-Troy Hills Township, New Jersey.
When Nadson was two years old, his father died in a lunatic asylum.
His next topic was the lunatic asylum.
This is believed to have been England's first private lunatic asylum.
Henry O'Farrell was an alcoholic, and had been released from a lunatic asylum immediately before the attempted assassination.
None of this paid very well, and when the Frankfurt lunatic asylum's previous doctor (who was a friend of his) retired in 1851, he was eager to take the post even though he had no expertise in psychiatry.
Approximate date – Charles Henry Howell, English architect specialising in lunatic asylums (died 1905).
These included one called Misfortune Cookies which Orci described as "loosely autobiographical", and Last Kiss, which Kurtzman said was their version of The Breakfast Club but was set in a lunatic asylum.
On 25 November 1802, however, it was secularised and dissolved and became a lunatic asylum and later psychiatric hospital, which it is today, as well as the site of the Württemberg Psychiatry Museum.
He was committed to a lunatic asylum in Bunzlau (now Bolesławiec) in 1873, and died there in 1878.