पाइरसस Meaning in English
पाइरसस शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : pyrus
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पाइरसस इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Dublin, Ohio The Tulli Papyrus is claimed to be a transcription of an Egyptian papyrus dating from the reign of Thutmose III.
According to Thayer, the transcription was sent to him by Boris de Rachewiltz who supposedly found the original transcription of the papyrus among papers left by Alberto Tulli, a deceased Vatican museum director.
According to Vallee and Aubeck, since Tulli had supposedly copied it during a single viewing of the original papyrus using an "Ancient Egyptian shorthand", and de Rachewiltz had never seen the original, the alleged text likely contained transcription errors, making it impossible to verify.
Author Erich von Daniken included the Tulli Papyrus in his speculations of ancient visitations by extraterrestrials.
In the 1968 Condon Report, Samuel Rosenberg reported that it was likely that "Tulli was taken in and that the papyrus is a fake".
Rosenberg cited the Tulli Papyrus as an example of stories circulated among UFO book authors "taken from secondary and tertiary sources without any attempt to verify original sources" and concluded that "all accounts of "UFO-like sightings handed down through the ages" are doubtful – until verified".
The Tulli Papyrus - Larry Orcutt's Catchpenny Mysteries of Ancient Egypt Explained by Larry Orcutt.
States (data file), list The Letter of Benan was a literary forgery issued by Ernst Edler von der Planitz in 1910, allegedly a translation from a fifth-century Coptic papyrus containing a translation of an original composed in Greek in 83 CE.
Papyrus 75 (AD 175–225).
Papyrus 83 (6th century; extant: verses 1, 6).
In Maiherperi's tomb, a papyrus was found depicting him with literally "blackish" skin, leading scholars to believe he was in fact Nubian or of Nubian descent.
The papyrus in question was the Book of the Dead, in the eyes of O'Connor and Cline "[c]ertainly the most famous and arguably the most beautiful" Book of the Dead.
Large flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus) .