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पाइ चार्ट Meaning in English

पाइ चार्ट शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : pie chart

पाइ-चार्ट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

(See pie chart at right.

This is an accurate pie chart according to the 2018 general elections electorates including 52.

The pie chart shows that the majority of people worked as labourers and servants, and just under 25% of the population were middling sorts, small farmers not employing labourers, with both masters and skilled workers in urban manufacturing and handicrafts.

The DISLIN library contains routines and functions for displaying data as curves, bar graphs, pie charts, 3D-colour plots, surfaces, contours and maps.

Below is a pie chart showing the percentage of males aged 20 and over in 9 occupational categories in the village of Billingsley in 1831.

Between 2001 and 2011 there has been a shift in religious views, portrayed by the pie charts.

The stakeholders can use this information to get answers to questions about the organization's architecture in the form of visual diagrams and reports that produce textual information, pie charts, and other dashboards.

The format defines the series of data that is to be used for the graphical display, and a number of different kinds of graphical displays (such as line charts, pie charts, and so on).

For example, dot plots and bar charts outperform pie charts.

A pie chart or bar chart can show the comparison of ratios, such as the market share represented by competitors in a market.

Statistical graphics: William Playfair founder of the first statistical line charts, bar charts, and pie charts in (1786) and (1801) known as a scientific ‘milestone’ in statistical graphs and data visualization.

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