पवित्र आदमी Meaning in English
पवित्र आदमी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : holy man
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
पवित्र वस्तु दूषकपवित्र तेल
पवित्र एक
पवित्र आदेश
पावन मार्ग
परम पावन स्थल
पवित्र स्थल
पवित्र धर्मग्रंथ
पवित्र शास्त्र
पवित्र समाधि
पवित्र त्रिदेव
पवित्र त्रिमूर्ति
पवित्र युद्ध वारियर्स
पवित्र जल
पवित्र जल का पत्थर का पात्र
पवित्र-आदमी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
भाग लेने वालों में युवा कार्यकर्ताओं, दादा दादी, बच्चें और लकोटा के पवित्र आदमी जॉन फायर लेम डियर थे जिन्होंने पर्वत के शीर्ष पर एक प्रार्थना स्टाफ का निर्माण किया था।
"" सभी ने एक सी दोहरी भविष्यवाणी की, कि बच्चा या तो एक महान राजा या एक महान पवित्र आदमी बनेगा।
'गुंबद', बहुवचन गुब्बात): सूडान में, एक पवित्र आदमी की कब्र।
सभी ने एक सी दोहरी भविष्यवाणी की, कि बच्चा या तो एक महान राजा या एक महान पवित्र आदमी बनेगा।
पवित्र-आदमी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
1245), also al Haggag or Al-Hajjaj was a prophet and holy man whom Egyptians in the town of Luxor celebrate every year, on his mawlid (birthday) known as Mawlid Abu al-Hajjaj al-Uqṣūrī.
In 1569, Akbar heard the news that his first Hindu wife was expecting a child, and that he might hope for the first of the three sons that had previously been promised to him by Sheikh Salim Chisti, a reputed holy man who lived at Sikri.
On 31 August 1569, the boy was born and received the name Salim, in acknowledgement of his father's faith in the efficacy of the holy man's prayer.
In this troubled atmosphere, Muhammad Ahmad ibn as Sayyid Abd Allah, a fakir, or holy man, who combined personal magnetism with religious zealotry, emerged, determined to expel the Turks and restore Islam to its primitive purity.
He started handing out medicines for various ailments, gaining recognition as a "baba" (holy man) with healing powers.
These were Parash Pathar (পরশ পাথর (The philosopher's stone)), based on the story of the same name; and Mahapurush (মহাপুরুষ (The holy man)), based on the short story Birinchibaba (বিরিঞ্চি বাবা).
His paternal grandfather, Knife Chief, fought with warriors who defeated Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn, and his great–grandfather, Holds the Eagle, was a medicine man and holy man, or Wičháša Wakȟáŋ.
Struck by the death of the holy man who tried to lead him to redemption, he took the preacher's cross and burned his faith into himself (the scar on his face).
The hermit, the Christian "holy man" who had preached the Crusade, also is captured.
The King, in fact, took Rebecca in as his own, when a holy man known only as the Vicar and his betrothed, Annie, left her in his care.
A holy man sensibly advised Rao Jodha to move the capital to hilltop safety.
Wilfrid was described as a very holy man, and interested in education.
During a trip over Haiti, the couple was captured by a psychotic holy man called the Obeah Man.