पर्णरहित Meaning in English
पर्णरहित शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : leafless
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पर्णरहित इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
– leafless pohuehue or leafless muehlenbeckia.
In a completely leafless tree, the blossoms look like a net.
It is famous for the bright red bell-shaped flowers that often cover the whole tree when it is leafless.
The tree notable for its mottled colourful yellow to orange bark, strongly discolourous leaves and inflorescences grouped on leafless branchlets inside the tree crown.
The specific epithet is taken from the Ancient Greek words klados meaning branch, "twig" or "stem" and kalyx meaning "cup", "cover" or "outer envelope of a flower", in reference to the leafless branchlets that bear the flowers.
They are terrestrial, leafless myco-heterotrophs (formerly called saprophytes).
The flowers are pinkish-purple (lavender-coloured), produced on spikes long at the top of slender, leafless stems long.
Psorothamnus scoparius, formerly Dalea scoparia and more often called broom dalea, a purple-flowered, nearly leafless shrub found in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Mexico.
The Eriogonum nudum plant is a tall, bare, leafless stem, bifurcating into more stems, each topped with rounded clusters of white or pale pink or yellow flowers growing up to six feet from a basal rosette at the ground, where the flat green leaves are located.
Crepis praemorsa – leafless hawksbeard.
It went neglected and leafless two years later, until the artist and friends mounted its restoration.
The flowers appear from between a pair of bracts on a leafless stem.
Trees, leafless for long periods and able to resist drought, also are characteristic, particularly in the basin of the São Francisco River.