परंपरागत तरीका Meaning in English
परंपरागत तरीका शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : traditional method
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परंपरागत-तरीका हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
गुरिल्ला विपणन अवधारणा, जिसे लेविंसन (1984) द्वारा बनाया गया था, का अर्थ है कि बहुत कम बजट पर प्रचार गतिविधियों को करने का एक अपरंपरागत तरीका।
""कार्निवल मनाने का परंपरागत तरीका है कुलीग, घोड़े वाली एक स्लेज सवारी जिससे बर्फ से ढके गावों की सैर की जाती है।
परंपरागत-तरीका इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Nowadays paprika is produced using the traditional methods.
Juanella McKenzie, artist and daughter of Regina McKenzie, had two works (containing similar storylines subject matter) acquired by the National Museum of Australia in 2008, and in early 2019 at the age of 29, Juanella was acquired into the National Museum of Scotland with a bark painting she did using traditional methods depicting women's business.
The Vase Sanseveresi is a centuries-old traditional method of pruning olive trees like inverted cones, with the focus on horizontal rather than height-based arrangement.
In both series, Tyler clashes with Hunt the most frequently, usually because Tyler values forensic evidence whereas Hunt often resorts to traditional methods and gut instincts.
From a technological standpoint the vessel represents the zenith of triple-expansion steam technology, which is combined with the very best of Scottish shipbuilding and innovation at a time when shipyards were moving away from traditional methods.
Nitrogen balance is the traditional method of determining dietary protein requirements.
When the buttermilk "whey" has been separated from the butter using traditional methods the buttermilk curds are formed into small balls and dried in the sun.
The move brought an end to the traditional methods of printing using hot molten metal to produce type and printing plates, and introduced computer technology.
This work reflects a general skepticism about conceptual analysis and the traditional methods of analytic philosophy.
These controls are the traditional methods, for more than 100 years before the advent of radio control and they continue to be used worldwide.
, one piece at a time, as opposed to traditional methods that build a bridge in very large sections.
The women were able to transform "traditional methods for networking and expressing disapproval" into powerful mechanisms that successfully challenged and disrupted the local colonial administration.
Parts of the town have complete quarters of traditional architecture, simple, smooth, unadorned, all in mud colour "mdash; local culture and traditional methods of building and carrying out repairs have been supported by its tourism.