पर मज़ा प्रहार Meaning in English
पर मज़ा प्रहार शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : poke fun at
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
धार दार हथियार से प्रहारपोकेमॉन
पोकर का सामना करना पड़ा
पर-मज़ा-प्रहार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Uderzo said he disliked manga comics and his aim was to poke fun at them, while paying tribute to Walt Disney.
While many of their songs poke fun at common Turkish types ("Ali Desidero", "Piskopatım") or satirise prejudice and corruption ("Deli Deli", "Rüşvet"), others are more spiritual in nature, showing their interest in Sufism ("Sufi", "Ateş-i Aşka").
If Campion was developed to poke fun at other sleuths, most notably Dorothy Sayers' Lord Peter Wimsey, The Crime at Black Dudley shows a glimmer of a character that will stand very much on his own.
Shakespeare may have used this character to poke fun at play censorship in London at the time.
The Denmans received a favourable welcome despite the tendency of the Australian press to poke fun at the English, and Lord Denman formed a cordial relationship with the Labour Government leader Andrew Fisher and his Attorney-General Billy Hughes.
When asked about the incident, NPR President and CEO Jarl Mohn said, "[T]he show's goal is to poke fun at the news and make people laugh" and he "regrets that we didn't succeed in this case.
" Parker and Stone have explained that they were becoming increasingly aware as to how heavily merchandised and exploited their creations were becoming, and created Towelie to poke fun at this.
The literature is notably non-dogmatic, eclectic, leaning towards philosophic rather than magic in focus, and often written "tongue-in-cheek", with authors tending to poke fun at themselves.
"Charmicarmicarmicat" is a reference to the Melvins song "Charmicarmicat" (from the 1991 EP Eggnog), with an extra "carmi" added to poke fun at the general ridiculousness of the Melvins' sense of humor.
During his mission to Wu, Fei Yi kept his cool when the Wu emperor Sun Quan tried to ridicule and poke fun at him.
He drives for Team Rexcor for one race in the episode "Rumble", and seems to form a rivalry with "Stunts", who likes to poke fun at his nickname.
The film will poke fun at the way people think about war, dying for flags instead of people, heroism.