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नीलाम करना Meaning in English

नीलाम करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to auction

नीलाम-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In 2006 Dymock attempted to auction off his baggy green cap but it did not attract the reserve price.

Hill wrote that the curb exchange on lower Broad Street was a roaring, swirling whirlpool” that "tears control of a gold-mine from an unlucky operator, then pauses to auction a puppy-dog.

In 2016 Ashby School created controversy when it proposed to auction the medals, including a Victoria Cross, won by Lt Col.

Daewoo Motor Sales also operates Seoul Auto Auction, South Korea's largest auto auction.

Land could be bought at a uniform price per acre, but it would go to auction in the case of more than one potential buyer.

The setup involves an auctioneer who volunteers to auction off a dollar bill with the following rule: the bill goes to the winner; however, the second-highest bidder also loses the amount that they bid, making them the biggest loser in the auction.

With some limited exceptions, it does not apply to personal, family, or household goods, nor does it apply to auctions, ships, aircraft, or intangibles and services.

Atia's first scene in the series sees her using her sexuality to bribe Timon, her hired hand, into selling her a white horse he intended to auction at the market.

For many years, his father had been a clerk to auctioneer and bookseller William Jackson Douglas whose offices and warehouses were on High Street, Kilkenny.

The convent maintained the riches of its past, but it was forbidden to auction any of the items off or spend any of the money it received from the dowries.

After the series finale, the owners of the real bar decided to auction off the furnishings at the club and replace them with new ones.

Alternatives to auctions include administrative licensing, such as the comparative hearings conducted historically (sometimes referred to as "beauty contests"), or lotteries.

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