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निम्न बिंदु Meaning in English

निम्न बिंदु शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : low point

निम्न-बिंदु हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

निम्न बिंदुओं के तहत इस संधि की आलोचना को देखा जा सकता है-।

आधुनिक दृष्टिकोण के अनुसार राजनीति विज्ञान के क्षेंत्र को निम्न बिंदुओं के अन्तर्गत स्पष्ट किया जा सकता है-।

"" उनके महत्त्वपूर्ण लेखन कार्य को निम्न बिंदुओं के अंतर्गत देखा जा सकता है:।

यह मैरीआना गर्त का सबसे निम्न बिंदु है और पश्चिमी प्रशांत महासागर मे अवस्थित है !।

उनके महत्त्वपूर्ण लेखन कार्य को निम्न बिंदुओं के अंतर्गत देखा जा सकता है:।

इस तरह के उपकरणों के विनिर्देशन के अलावा, निम्न बिंदु भी विचार किया जाना चाहिए ध्यान खींचा।

हालाँकि विभिन्न देशों में क़ानून के अनुसार, संसदीय विशेषाधिकार भिन्न हो सकते हैं, अथवा विशेअशाधिकारों पर सीमाएँ अलग अलग हो सकती हैं, मगर मोटे तौरपर निम्न बिंदुओं को हर देश में पाया जाता है:।

आयोग को निम्न बिंदुओं की जांच कर अपनी रिपोर्ट सौंपने को कहा गया था:।

डॉ० सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन की अध्यक्षता में गठित इस आयोग को उच्च शिक्षा से संबंधित निम्न बिंदुओं पर विचार करके अपनी संस्तुतियां देने का कार्य सौंपा गया-।

निम्न बिंदु प्रबंध के सिद्धांतों की प्रकृति को संक्षेप में बताते हैं।

प्रबंध के सिद्धांतों के महत्त्व को निम्न बिंदुओं के रूप में समझाया जा सकता है-।

निम्न-बिंदु इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

1993 marked a low point in his mayoralty, as that year witnessed the destruction of the old Canal streetcar barn, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and at the time the oldest surviving streetcar barn in the country.

I thought Jennifer Eight was a low point, but Christ almighty, this hit the floor and dug.

" GameSpot praised the Konquest mode, "which was such a low point of MK: Deception, as one of the relative strengths of MK: Armageddon.

Unfortunately, this was at a low point in both the ballroom's and New York City's history.

At a low point of their career in terms of reliability, they (and the SR locomotives) were sent to Derby where they were overhauled and received green livery and then ran side by side on London Midland Region duties, including the Royal Scot again in 1957–58.

However, Berry returned in 1984–85 as Stoke suffered a woeful season finishing bottom with a then record low points tally.

However typical of his character, Berry returned to the side after a loan spell at Doncaster Rovers and a period of inactivity where he trained alone in Portugal, he did make a return to the first team but Stoke were relegated in 1984–85 with a then record low points tally of 17.

Its release followed a self-acknowledged career low point, Machine + Soul (1992), and is often cited as marking the start of a critical and artistic rejuvenation for the one-time pop star.

Colby notes that Woodward devotes a single paragraph to Belushi's grandmother's funeral, where he hit a low point and resolved to get clean for that film, while diligently documenting every instance of drug abuse he turned up.

Bush as a devil, a drunk, a war criminal among others and has referred to President Obama as a "clown" and "shares the same stench as Bush" The relationship reached a diplomatic low point when Venezuela temporarily froze diplomatic relations with the US for several months after Hugo Chávez expelled the US ambassador to Venezuela in 2008 "ndash;09.

Its English release met with a favorable response, with GamePro remarking that "Eternal Blue could appear to some as 'just another RPG', but the epic scope, appealing characters, and excellent cinematics make it much more", yet found the game's linear story progression to be its low point.

Eden Park was located at the low point of Cabbage Tree Swamp, with the road running on a causeway across it.

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