ध्वनि दंश Meaning in English
ध्वनि दंश शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sound bite
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ध्वनि विवेक
ध्वनि प्रभाव
ध्वनि आभास
ध्वनि तीव्रता नापने की इकाई
पीरू की तरह आवाज़ करना
ध्वनि फिल्म
असंतोष की ध्वनी
ओठ से उच्चरित अक्षर की ध्वनि
घंटे की ध्वनि
ध्वनि बंद
ध्वनि दाब स्तर
ध्वनि-दंश इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The CD/DVD set by this name has been described as " a kaleidescopic array of sound bites that are alternately funny, charmingly nostalgic, bizarre, psychedelic or inexplicable.
I watched over 100 Flintstones episodes, because I had to not only re-familiarize myself with the characters, I had to find actual sound bites and animation from the series to use in the song and the video.
their only presence was in sound bites played while launching and during certain battles.
Samples and sound bites were not limited to just music.
In a world of short sound bites, quick cuts, and extravagant production, [she] produce[s] 'one full hour on one intriguing topic'" on KALW San Francisco Tuesdays 9-10 pm Pacific Standard Time (PST) and KZSU Stanford, CA at 10-11 am PST.
A sound bite from the character 'John Carridine' on "Ray TV".
Sampled liberally throughout this song are sound bites from four motion pictures, three of them Spaghetti Westerns.
Coco, The Electronic Monkey Wizard: alternate universe bass, percussion, banana consumption, sound bites of lower primate love, hand held view master, VCR ignition, bunny control, foreign language count-offs, and yelps of intense pain given to him, sometimes in punishment.