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ध्रुवित करना Meaning in English

ध्रुवित करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : polarise

ध्रुवित-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

By quantitatively measuring gloss using instrumentation Ingersoll based his research around the theory that light is polarised in specular reflection whereas diffusely reflected light is non-polarized.

Turkish print outlets privilege columns and opinions over pure news, and are often politically polarised.

Opinion about the confection is strongly polarised.

Date of statehood Raman optical activity (ROA) is a vibrational spectroscopic technique that is reliant on the difference in intensity of Raman scattered right and left circularly polarised light due to molecular chirality.

The basic principle of Raman optical activity is that there is interference between light waves scattered by the polarizability and optical activity tensors of a chiral molecule, which leads to a difference between the intensities of the right- and left-handed circularly polarised scattered beams.

Monica (singer) albums In mathematics, the Nagata–Biran conjecture, named after Masayoshi Nagata and Paul Biran, is a generalisation of Nagata's conjecture on curves to arbitrary polarised surfaces.

Events like the UK miners' strike (1984–85) polarised public opinion and led to an increase in the divide.

He finished 5th and only polled around 1% of the votes cast, as the election was polarised between the ruling United National Party and the Sri Lanka Freedom Party – the latter being backed by almost all the other left parties.

The move polarised opinion; some saw it as more accurate and modern, while others disliked the brown colour chosen for the landmass and the presumed high cost of the graphics.

Transmissions all fitted within the A group and were horizontally polarised.

The VHF FM antennas were upgraded from the old horizontally polarised slot antennas to new mixed polarisation antennas, and the transmitter power was doubled.

A Group B (or wideband or K group) horizontally polarised aerial is required to receive digital TV signals.

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