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धूसर बाल Meaning in English

धूसर बाल शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : grey hair

धूसर-बाल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

They have appeared in various forms, including 'mad professors' with crazy grey hair, and an army of 118 118 runners helping people across the nation to find businesses and services.

* Tartan: Hunting Stewart (kilt); Sporran: brown leather as working dress and silver/grey haired for mess dress .

He is partially bald with grey hair and a grey goatee.

She shares a similar appearance to Rocket but is purple and has glasses and grey hair.

When he left Rome in 1854, he took with him, in addition to the double doctorate of theology and Canon law, two mementoes which lasted throughout his life: his grey hair and a disease of the heart, possibly the result of his experiences in Rome in the revolutionary year 1848-9.

The female butterfly is dark shining green with bluish-grey hairs at the base.

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