धुँधलापन Meaning in English
धुँधलापन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : blurring
, haze
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
मंद दृष्टिधुन्ध
पिंघल वृक्ष
पहाड़ी बादाम
हजामती झाग
महत्तम सामान्य भाजक
सर झुकाना
धुँधलापन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Jacob DeShazer, a member of the Doolittle Raid, prisoner of war in Japan, and then a missionary to Japan in the Free Methodist Church.
Several uncommon trees that can be seen are Southern sugar maple, serviceberry, umbrella tree, pyramid magnolia, chinquapin oak and witch-hazel.
Han tries to explain what happened, but Jabba — in a drug-induced haze — turns his back on Han and demands compensation for the lost spice.
Her book Hatanakh vehazehut hayisraelit (The Bible and Israeli identity) seeks to explain why the status of the Bible has declined in Israeli identity.
Jerome Chazen became the company's Chairman in 1989 and held that role until 1996, when Paul Charron, a former CPG Executive, became Chairman and CEO and held that position until his retirement in 2006.
anatipennella "ndash; recorded on common hazel (C.
Alexa Phazer – vocal assistance.
The haze season typically hits between July and October.
* Alabonia geoffrella "ndash; recorded in dead twigs of common hazel (C.
Female: Upperside: hazel brown, the terminal halves of the wings paler.
धुँधलापन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
यदि कैंसर मस्तिष्क में पहुँच जाता है तो सिर दर्द, दौरा, नजर में धुँधलापन, स्ट्रोक के लक्षण जैसे शरीर के कुछ हिस्सों में कमजोरी या सुन्नता आदि लक्षण हो सकते हैं।
""प्लैज़्मा में धुँधलापन लाइपायड़ों (lipoids) की उपस्थिति के कारण होता है।
प्लैज़्मा में धुँधलापन लाइपायड़ों (lipoids) की उपस्थिति के कारण होता है।
बांग्ला कवि वैश्विक धुँधलापन (Global Dimming) जिसे ग्लोबल डिमिंग या सार्वत्रिक दीप्तिमंदकता भी कहते हैं, पृथ्वी की सतह पर वैश्विक प्रत्यक्ष ऊर्जा मान की मात्रा में क्रमिक रूप से आयी कमी से संबंधित है।
धुँधलापन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Tends to prefer reasonably quick shutter speeds for minimal blurring.
The strict lines between salsa romántica and classic salsa have been blurring in recent years.
With the help of texts, it aims at bringing people together along the path, and at blurring the boundaries of writers and readers.
] History is littered with cautionary tales in which blurring the lines between central bank and Treasury coffers led to runaway inflation.
The result has been a blurring of the lines between regional styles; since the 1920s, callers have been increasingly likely to incorporate in their programs (knowingly or not) calls and figures from styles outside their own area, and even from modern Western square dancing.
Ben Brantley in his The New York Times review praised the Encores! concert, describing Hathaway as convincing in the role even though "Lili may be the most unworldly heroine ever in a Broadway musical, dangerously blurring the lines between innocence and mental deficiency".
During the last ten years of his life, preoccupied with equaling the Old Masters (especially Da Vinci and Rembrandt), he began to use unnatural lighting effects; blurring outlines and creating melancholic or dreamy expressions.
Pasolini’s choice of topics was scandalous at the time, as was his blurring of the lines between the sacred and the profane.
Radio stations in New South Wales Anni Albers (born Annelise Elsa Frieda Fleischmann; June 12, 1899 – May 9, 1994) was a German-born American textile artist and printmaker credited with blurring the lines between traditional craft and art.
In German literature, the style, known as erlebte Rede (experienced speech), is perhaps most famous in the works of Franz Kafka, blurring the subject's first-person experiences with a grammatically third-person narrative perspective.
It has two high-order adaptive optics benches to compensate for blurring by Earth's atmosphere.
Block-matching and 3D filtering makes use of this approach to solve various image restoration inverse problems such as noise reduction and deblurring in both still images and digital video.
In other writings, he expressed fears that the Catholic Church, in alliance with Jews and non-white Protestant groups, was becoming increasingly active in politics and thus blurring the separation of church and state.