धीमी गति से चल रहा है Meaning in English
धीमी गति से चल रहा है शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : slow moving
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बंदुक चलाने में धीमाधीमी या हल्की रोशनी निकलना
धीमी प्रतिक्रिया
धीमी लय का संगीत
धीरे धीरे चलाने का कार्य
धीमी गति से समय
धीमा स्वर
धीमा वायरस
धीमी गति से वायरस
धीमे धीमे टहलना
धीमी गति से कीड़ा
मंदा हुआ
धीमा करनेवाला
धीमे से
धीमी-गति-से-चल-रहा-है हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" अगर नोवा धीमी गति से चल रहा है तो उस तारे के मैग्निट्यूड में २ अंकों का अंतर पड़ने में ८० दिन से भी अधिक सकते हैं और अगर तेज़ी से चल रहा है तो २५ दिनों के अन्दर भी ऐसा हो सकता है।
धीमी-गति-से-चल-रहा-है इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The couplet cells appeared to remain stationary or slow moving while intensifying and eventually merging to become a large cloud cell at midnight over the southwestern part of the country; at the same time the cumulonimbus cloud over the coast of the south weakened and eventually dissipated.
Several portions of the upper and middle reaches, in particular the 12"nbsp;km or so stretch starting from Itcha Lake, are very swamp-like and slow moving.
This slow moving and sleepy reptile feeds on insects, flowers and fruit and is quite harmless to humans.
As no overtaking is possible this can result in minor delays if motorists are stuck behind slow moving traffic.
Normally very slow moving, chameleons have a characteristic shake, which may make them look more like leaves to prey and predators.
A slow moving system, Kit shifted from the northwest to a westerly heading, passing just south of Guam without any further development.
Miss Fawcett said in a speech in 1911 that their movement was "like a glacier; slow moving but unstoppable".
The tadpoles of the species are black and form dense and compact schools in slow moving streams in forested areas.
The tadpoles are large (more than in total length) and form shoals in slow moving streams.
These sequences show high signal in static or slow moving fluids within the gallbladder, biliary ducts and pancreatic duct, with low signal of surrounding tissue.
Because Dennis was a slow moving storm, it produced heavy rains across eastern North Carolina.
His magnum opus was Principles of Physical Geology, first published in 1944, in which he proposed the idea that slow moving convection currents in the Earth's mantle created 'continental drift' as it was then called.
In the 15th and 16th centuries the narrow spans of the Old London Bridge restricted the flow of the slow moving and meandering river Thames allowing it to freeze during the winter months complete with frost fair so that Londoners were able to simply walk across the frozen river.