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द्यूत Meaning in English

द्यूत शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : gaming
, gambling

द्यूत इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

She played a waitress on the gambling casino ship run by Commodore Duvall (James Coburn).

At the conclusion of the Wall Street sequence, which ends the first act, an elaborate costumed ballet performs a dance interpretation of gambling.

Louise becomes involved with Eddie's gambling while Alvin is in prison.

Meanwhile, Juanita has maxed out the '15,000 limit by gambling with Carlos' credit card.

Key aspects of the game include searching everywhere, playing some gambling games to improve the financial situation, and grabbing clues in order to solve the mystery.

On 7 September 2006 SportingBet reported that its then chairman, Peter Dicks, was detained in New York City on a Louisiana warrant while traveling in the United States on business unrelated to online gambling.

They appeared in the fifth season episode "Wu's On First?" on the run from two bookies, owing a gambling debt to one and having stolen a Babe Ruth uniform from the other.

Looney had a hand in match fixing, prostitution, illegal gambling, and extortion.

Simon Stevens, then-chief executive of the NHS, said in 2013 that he "disapproved of eight betting firms" because "they do not pay towards NHS costs in countering gambling addiction.

The gambling floor re-opened on June 2, 2020 with safety modifications.

Railway services discontinued in 1948 To gamble is to participate in gambling, staking something of value on an event with an uncertain outcome.

While working as a publican in Sydney in 1881, Adams took bets on horse races, which could be considered the start of his gambling business.

Assaults have become more common in recent years as seen in 2009, when out of 621 gang members, 35% were arrested for assault while extortion took second at 29%, and illegal gambling (11%) and loan sharking (7%) made up the rest.

द्यूत हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" शासन के विभिन्न कार्यों के लिये पृथक्‌ विभाग थे, जैसे कोष, आकर, लक्षण, लवण, सुवर्ण, कोष्ठागार, पण्य, कुप्य, आयुधागार, पौतव, मान, शुल्क, सूत्र, सीता, सुरा, सून, मुद्रा, विवीत, द्यूत, वन्धनागार, गौ, नौ, पत्तन, गणिका, सेना, संस्था, देवता आदि, जो अपने अपने अध्यक्षों के अधीन थे।

द्यूतकारी मद्यपी धन लूटता पाता जहाँ।

भारत में जुए का खेल अक्षक्रीड़ा या अक्षद्यूत के नाम से विख्यात है।

भीष्म, विदुर, द्रोण आदि के रोकने पर भी द्यूतक्रीड़ा हुई जिसमें पांडव हार गये, छली शकुनि जीत गया।

द्यूत में पराजित होने पर पांडवों को बारह वर्ष जंगल में तथा तेरहवाँ वर्ष अज्ञातवास में बिताना था।

विविध प्रकार के मनोविनोद में काव्य, संगीत, द्यूत, घुड़दौड़, रथदौड़ आदि सम्मिलित थे।

अक्षद्यूत जानुप्रहृत जङ्घाप्रहृत जङ्घाप्रहत पादस्वेदन कण्टकमर्दन गतानुगत गतागत यातोपयात अनुगत २।

अनेक घटनाओं से दुर्योधन चिढ़ गया थां अत: हस्तिनापुर जाते हुए उसने मामा शकुनि के साथ पांडवों को हराकर उनका वैभव हस्तगत करने की एक युक्ति सोचीं शकुनि द्यूतक्रीड़ा में निपुण था-युधिष्ठिर को शौक अवश्य था किंतु खेलना नहीं आता था।

पतंजलि ने सिद्धहस्त द्यूतकर के लिए अक्षकितव या अक्षधूर्त शब्दों का प्रयोग किया है।

पणक्रीडा वयोभिश्च पदं द्यूतसमाह्वयम् ॥।

इसके अतिरिक्त सीमाओं पर चुंगी, तटकर, विक्रयकर, तोल और माप के साधनों पर कर, द्यूतकर, वेश्याओं, उद्योगों और शिल्पों पर कर, दण्ड तथा आकर और वन से भी राज्य को आय थी।

"" उनका वैभव दुर्योधन के लिये असह्य हो गया अतः शकुनि, कर्ण और दुर्योधन आदि ने युधिष्ठिर के साथ जूए में प्रवृत्त होकर उसके भाइयो, द्रौपदी और उनके राज्य को कपट द्यूत के द्वारा हँसते-हँसते जीत लिया और कुरु राज्य सभा में द्रौपदी को निर्वस्त्र करने का प्रयास किया।

विदुर ने द्यूत क्रीड़ा के समय महाराज धृतराष्ट्र को चेताया था कि यदि यह खेल समाप्त नहीं किया गया तो अनर्थ हो जाएगा।

द्यूत इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Twitch gameplay keeps players actively engaged with quick feedback to their actions, as opposed to turn-based gaming that involves waiting for the outcome of a chosen course of action.

Conversely, checkpoints and extra lives are common game mechanics in twitch gaming that attempt to reduce the penalty for errors in play, adding an element of turn-based gameplay.

Soon after turn-based strategy games were introduced, real-time strategy games were introduced to the video gaming market, beginning with Herzog Zwei and then Dune II and eventually leading to popular titles such as Command " Conquer, Warcraft, and StarCraft.

Players operated on a single level with enemies, and with the introduction of three-dimensional environments along with enhanced graphics and network capability, shooters continued to be a major influence in the gaming world.

Events included board, card, and RPG gaming, as well as retro video gaming.

It received several gaming awards.

The company was established in December 1999 as Shanda Interactive Entertainment Limited, an online gaming company known for publishing and operating games such as The World of Legend and Magical Land.

Shanda Interactive later diversified and its gaming unit spun off in 2009, raising '1.

1999-2003: Start in online gaming.

With headquarters in Shanghai, and USD '60,000 in startup capital, the company also raised '3 million to focus on online cartoons, gaming and virtual communities.

Settling on online gaming, in 2001 the company used the final '300,000 of its startup funds to buy the Chinese rights to Legend of Mir II, licensing the game from the South Korean company WeMade Soft.

The EZ mini was a handheld wireless gaming device, while the EZ Center/EZ Pod software for was remote PC control.

8 billion and was China's biggest gaming company.

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