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देशद्रोह करना Meaning in English

देशद्रोह करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : treason

देशद्रोह-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

They were arrested for spying and treason.

He and his followers started a guerrilla war against Pakistan, and were arrested, charged with treason, and imprisoned in Hyderabad.

Five of his family members, sons and nephews, were subsequently hanged on charges of treason and aiding in the murder of Pakistani troops.

Frank was found guilty by the Volksgerichtshof of [treason] and treason.

That same year, the ruling Whigs banned the PPP; Cheapoo and other party leaders were imprisoned on charges of treason.

What the archbishop regarded justified demands of clerical immunity and independence meant disloyalty and treason to the king.

Thus, it seems highly unlikely that he would have engaged in treasonous activity without any tangible hope to benefit from it.

Since he was known as the "Duke of Ragusa", the word ragusade was coined in French to signify treason and raguser meant a cheat.

Stendhal (Scott McNeil) is a red dragon who was banished from Dragon World for committing treason.

The United States Attorney General hinted that he would charge Atkinson with treason and sedition, but decided against it, as officials feared that charging him would only make the 72-year-old a martyr.

In the latter year he was accused of treason, but defended himself with such vigour that the charges were dropped: similar charges made against him in 1470 were not pursued.

Jenet, married Sir Walter Delahide: r both played an important role in the rebellion of the Earl of Kildare's grandson, Silken Thomas, and Jenet died in prison under suspicion of treason.

Hitler personally roused Röhm from his bed at his lakeside hotel when he arrested him for alleged treason in devising a plot against Hitler, a trumped up charge created by Himmler, Göring and Reinhard Heydrich.

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